is a simple API for using the Audioscrobbler REST Web Service. The Audioscrobbler
Web Service provides access to its database of Users, Artists, Albums, Tracks, Tags, Groups, and Forums. The
methods of the ZendService\Audioscrobbler\Audioscrobbler
class begin with one of these terms. The syntax and namespaces of
the Audioscrobbler Web Service are mirrored in ZendService\Audioscrobbler\Audioscrobbler
. For more information about the
Audioscrobbler REST Web Service, please visit the Audioscrobbler Web Service site.
In order to retrieve information for a specific user, the setUser()
method is first used to select the user for
which data are to be retrieved. ZendService\Audioscrobbler\Audioscrobbler
provides several methods for retrieving data
specific to a single user:
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the current user’s profile information.userGetTopArtists()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the current user’s most listened to artists.userGetTopAlbums()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the current user’s most listened to albums.userGetTopTracks()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the current user’s most listened to tracks.userGetTopTags()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of tags most applied by the current user.userGetTopTagsForArtist()
: Requires that an artist be set viasetArtist()
. Returns a SimpleXML object containing the tags most applied to the current artist by the current user.userGetTopTagsForAlbum()
: Requires that an album be set viasetAlbum()
. Returns a SimpleXML object containing the tags most applied to the current album by the current user.userGetTopTagsForTrack()
: Requires that a track be set viasetTrack()
. Returns a SimpleXML object containing the tags most applied to the current track by the current user.userGetFriends()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the user names of the current user’s friends.userGetNeighbours()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the user names of people with similar listening habits to the current user.userGetRecentTracks()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the 10 tracks most recently played by the current user.userGetRecentBannedTracks()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the 10 tracks most recently banned by the current user.userGetRecentLovedTracks()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the 10 tracks most recently loved by the current user.userGetRecentJournals()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the current user’s most recent journal entries.userGetWeeklyChartList()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of weeks for which there exist Weekly Charts for the current user.userGetRecentWeeklyArtistChart()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the most recent Weekly Artist Chart for the current user.userGetRecentWeeklyAlbumChart()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the most recent Weekly Album Chart for the current user.userGetRecentWeeklyTrackChart()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the most recent Weekly Track Chart for the current user.userGetPreviousWeeklyArtistChart($fromDate, $toDate)
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the Weekly Artist Chart from$fromDate
for the current user.userGetPreviousWeeklyAlbumChart($fromDate, $toDate)
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the Weekly Album Chart from$fromDate
for the current user.userGetPreviousWeeklyTrackChart($fromDate, $toDate)
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the Weekly Track Chart from$fromDate
for the current user.
Retrieving User Profile Information
In this example, we use the setUser()
and userGetProfileInformation()
methods to retrieve a specific user’s
profile information:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | $as = new ZendService\Audioscrobbler\Audioscrobbler();
// Set the user whose profile information we want to retrieve
// Retrieve BigDaddy71's profile information
$profileInfo = $as->userGetProfileInformation();
// Display some of it
print "Information for $profileInfo->realname "
. "can be found at $profileInfo->url";
Retrieving a User’s Weekly Artist Chart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | $as = new ZendService\Audioscrobbler\Audioscrobbler();
// Set the user whose profile weekly artist chart we want to retrieve
// Retrieves a list of previous weeks for which there are chart data
$weeks = $as->userGetWeeklyChartList();
if (count($weeks) < 1) {
echo 'No data available';
sort($weeks); // Order the list of weeks
$as->setFromDate($weeks[0]); // Set the starting date
$as->setToDate($weeks[0]); // Set the ending date
$previousWeeklyArtists = $as->userGetPreviousWeeklyArtistChart();
echo 'Artist Chart For Week Of '
. date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $as->from_date)
. '<br />';
foreach ($previousWeeklyArtists as $artist) {
// Display the artists' names with links to their profiles
print '<a href="' . $artist->url . '">' . $artist->name . '</a><br />';
provides several methods for retrieving data about a specific artist, specified via
the setArtist()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of Artists similar to the current Artist.artistGetTopFans()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of Users who listen most to the current Artist.artistGetTopTracks()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the current Artist’s top-rated Tracks.artistGetTopAlbums()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the current Artist’s top-rated Albums.artistGetTopTags()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the Tags most frequently applied to current Artist.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | $as = new ZendService\Audioscrobbler\Audioscrobbler();
// Set the artist for whom you would like to retrieve related artists
$as->setArtist('LCD Soundsystem');
// Retrieve the related artists
$relatedArtists = $as->artistGetRelatedArtists();
foreach ($relatedArtists as $artist) {
// Display the related artists
print '<a href="' . $artist->url . '">' . $artist->name . '</a><br />';
provides two methods for retrieving data specific to a single track, specified via
the setTrack()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of Users who listen most to the current Track.trackGetTopTags()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of the Tags most frequently applied to the current Track.
provides several methods for retrieving data specific to a single tag, specified
via the setTag()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of Tags most frequently used on Audioscrobbler.tagGetTopArtists()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of Artists to whom the current Tag was most frequently applied.tagGetTopAlbums()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of Albums to which the current Tag was most frequently applied.tagGetTopTracks()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of Tracks to which the current Tag was most frequently applied.
provides several methods for retrieving data specific to a single group, specified
via the setGroup()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of recent journal posts by Users in the current Group.groupGetWeeklyChart()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of weeks for which there exist Weekly Charts for the current Group.groupGetRecentWeeklyArtistChart()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the most recent Weekly Artist Chart for the current Group.groupGetRecentWeeklyAlbumChart()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the most recent Weekly Album Chart for the current Group.groupGetRecentWeeklyTrackChart()
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the most recent Weekly Track Chart for the current Group.groupGetPreviousWeeklyArtistChart($fromDate, $toDate)
: RequiressetFromDate()
. Returns a SimpleXML object containing the Weekly Artist Chart from the current fromDate to the current toDate for the current Group.groupGetPreviousWeeklyAlbumChart($fromDate, $toDate)
: RequiressetFromDate()
. Returns a SimpleXML object containing the Weekly Album Chart from the current fromDate to the current toDate for the current Group.groupGetPreviousWeeklyTrackChart($fromDate, $toDate)
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing the Weekly Track Chart from the current fromDate to the current toDate for the current Group.
provides a method for retrieving data specific to a single forum, specified via the
: Returns a SimpleXML object containing a list of recent posts in the current forum.