The Headers Class¶
The Zend\Http\Headers class is a container for HTTP headers. It is typically accessed as part of a Zend\Http\Request or Zend\Http\Response getHeaders() call. The Headers container will lazily load actual Header objects as to reduce the overhead of header specific parsing.
The Zend\Http\Header\* classes are the domain specific implementations for the various types of Headers that one might encounter during the typical HTTP request. If a header of unknown type is encountered, it will be implemented as a Zend\Http\Header\GenericHeader instance. See the below table for a list of the various HTTP headers and the API that is specific to each header type.
Quick Start¶
The quickest way to get started interacting with header objects is by getting an already populated Headers container from a request or response object.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | // $client is an instance of Zend\Http\Client
// You can retrieve the request headers by first retrieving
// the Request object and then calling getHeaders on it
$requestHeaders = $client->getRequest()->getHeaders();
// The same method also works for retrieving Response headers
$responseHeaders = $client->getResponse()->getHeaders();
Zend\Http\Headers can also extract headers from a string:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | $headerString = <<<EOB
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1337
$headers = Zend\Http\Headers::fromString($headerString);
// $headers is now populated with three objects
// (1) Zend\Http\Header\Host
// (2) Zend\Http\Header\ContentType
// (3) Zend\Http\Header\ContentLength
Now that you have an instance of Zend\Http\Headers you can manipulate the individual headers it contains using the provided public API methods outlined in the “Available Methods” section.
Configuration Options¶
No configuration options are available.
Available Methods¶
- Headers::fromString
Headers::fromString(string $string)
Populates headers from string representation
Parses a string for headers, and aggregates them, in order, in the current instance, primarily as strings until they are needed (they will be lazy loaded).
Returns Zend\Http\Headers
- setPluginClassLoader
setPluginClassLoader(Zend\Loader\PluginClassLocator $pluginClassLoader)
Set an alternate implementation for the plugin class loader
Returns Zend\Http\Headers
- getPluginClassLoader
Return an instance of a Zend\Loader\PluginClassLocator, lazyload and inject map if necessary.
Returns Zend\Loader\PluginClassLocator
- addHeaders
addHeaders(array|Traversable $headers)
Add many headers at once
Expects an array (or Traversable object) of type/value pairs.
Returns Zend\Http\Headers
- addHeaderLine
addHeaderLine(string $headerFieldNameOrLine, string $fieldValue)
Add a raw header line, either in name => value, or as a single string ‘name: value’
This method allows for lazy-loading in that the parsing and instantiation of Header object will be delayed until they are retrieved by either get() or current().
Returns Zend\Http\Headers
- addHeader
addHeader(Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface $header)
Add a Header to this container, for raw values see addHeaderLine() and addHeaders().
Returns Zend\Http\Headers
- removeHeader
removeHeader(Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface $header)
Remove a Header from the container
Returns bool
- clearHeaders
Clear all headers
Removes all headers from queue
Returns Zend\Http\Headers
- get
get(string $name)
Get all headers of a certain name/type
Returns false| Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface| ArrayIterator
- has
has(string $name)
Test for existence of a type of header
Returns bool
- next
Advance the pointer for this object as an iterator
Returns void
- key
Return the current key for this object as an iterator
Returns mixed
- valid
Is this iterator still valid?
Returns bool
- rewind
Reset the internal pointer for this object as an iterator
Returns void
- current
Return the current value for this iterator, lazy loading it if need be
Returns Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface
- count
Return the number of headers in this container. If all headers have not been parsed, actual count could increase if MultipleHeader objects exist in the Request/Response. If you need an exact count, iterate.
Returns int
- toString
Render all headers at once
This method handles the normal iteration of headers; it is up to the concrete classes to prepend with the appropriate status/request line.
Returns string
- toArray
Return the headers container as an array
Returns array
- forceLoading
By calling this, it will force parsing and loading of all headers, after this count() will be accurate
Returns bool
Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface Methods¶
- fromString
fromString(string $headerLine)
Factory to generate a header object from a string
Returns Zend\Http\Header\GenericHeader
- getFieldName
Retrieve header field name
Returns string
- getFieldValue
Retrieve header field value
Returns string
- toString
Cast to string as a well formed HTTP header line
Returns in form of “NAME: VALUE”
Returns string
Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept Methods¶
- parseHeaderLine
parseHeaderLine(string $headerLine)
Parse the given header line and add the values
Returns void
- getFieldValuePartsFromHeaderLine
getFieldValuePartsFromHeaderLine(string $headerLine)
Parse the Field Value Parts represented by a header line
Throws Zend\Http\Header\Exception\InvalidArgumentException if the header is invalid
Returns array
- getFieldValue
getFieldValue(array|null $values = null)
Get field value
Returns string
- match
match(array|string $matchAgainst)
Match a media string against this header. Returns the matched value or false
Returns Accept\FieldValuePart\AcceptFieldValuePart or bool
- getPrioritized
Returns all the keys, values and parameters this header represents
Returns array
Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate Methods¶
- setDateFormat
static setDateFormat(int $format)
Set date output format.
Returns void
- getDateFormat
static getDateFormat()
Return current date output format
Returns string
- setDate
setDate(string|DateTime $date)
Set the date for this header, this can be a string or an instance of DateTime
Throws Zend\Http\Header\Exception\InvalidArgumentException if the date is neither a valid string nor an instance of \DateTime.
Returns self
- getDate
Return date for this header
Returns self
- date
Return date for this header as an instance of \DateTime
Returns \DateTime
- compareTo
compareTo(string|DateTime $date)
Compare provided date to date for this header. Returns < 0 if date in header is less than $date; > 0 if it’s greater, and 0 if they are equal. See strcmp.
Returns int
Zend\Http\Header\AbstractLocation Methods¶
- setUri
setUri(string|Zend\Uri\UriInterface $uri)
Set the URI/URL for this header, this can be a string or an instance of Zend\Uri\Http
Throws Zend\Http\Header\Exception\InvalidArgumentException if $uri is neither a valid URL nor an instance of Zend\Uri\UriInterface.
Returns self
- getUri
Return the URI for this header
Returns string
- uri
Return the URI for this header as an instance of Zend\Uri\Http
Returns Zend\Uri\UriInterface
List of HTTP Header Types¶
Some header classes expose methods for manipulating their value. The following list contains all of the classes available in the Zend\Http\Header\* namespace, as well as any specific methods they contain. All these classes implement Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface and its methods.
- Accept
See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept methods.
- addMediaType(string $type, int|float $priority = 1)
Add a media type, with the given priority
Returns self
- hasMediaType(string $type)
Does the header have the requested media type?
Returns bool
- AcceptCharset
See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept methods.
- addCharset(string $type, int|float $priority = 1)
Add a charset, with the given priority
Returns self
- hasCharset(string $type)
Does the header have the requested charset?
Returns bool
- AcceptEncoding
See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept methods.
- addEncoding(string $type, int|float $priority = 1)
Add an encoding, with the given priority
Returns self
- hasEncoding(string $type)
Does the header have the requested encoding?
Returns bool
- AcceptLanguage
See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractAccept methods.
- addLanguage(string $type, int|float $priority = 1)
Add a language, with the given priority
Returns self
- hasLanguage(string $type)
Does the header have the requested language?
Returns bool
- AcceptRanges
- Age
- getDeltaSeconds()
Get number of seconds
Returns int
- setDeltaSeconds()
Set number of seconds
Returns self
- Allow
- getAllMethods()
Get list of all defined methods
Returns array
- getAllowedMethods()
Get list of allowed methods
Returns array
- allowMethods(array|string $allowedMethods)
Allow methods or list of methods
Returns self
- disallowMethods(array|string $allowedMethods)
Disallow methods or list of methods
Returns self
- denyMethods(array|string $allowedMethods)
Convenience alias for disallowMethods()
Returns self
- isAllowedMethod(string $method)
Check whether method is allowed
Returns bool
- AuthenticationInfo
- No additional methods
- Authorization
- No additional methods
- CacheControl
- isEmpty()
Checks if the internal directives array is empty
Returns bool
- addDirective(string $key, string|bool $value)
Add a directive
For directives like ‘max-age=60’, $value = ‘60’
For directives like ‘private’, use the default $value = true
Returns self
- hasDirective(string $key)
Check the internal directives array for a directive
Returns bool
- getDirective(string $key)
Fetch the value of a directive from the internal directive array
Returns string|null
- removeDirective(string $key)
Remove a directive
Returns self
- Connection
- setValue($value)
Set arbitrary header value
RFC allows any token as value, ‘close’ and ‘keep-alive’ are commonly used
Returns self
- isPersistent()
Whether the connection is persistent
Returns bool
- setPersistent(bool $flag)
Set Connection header to define persistent connection
Returns self
- ContentDisposition
- No additional methods
- ContentEncoding
- No additional methods
- ContentLanguage
- No additional methods
- ContentLength
- No additional methods
- ContentLocation
- See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractLocation methods.
- ContentMD5
- No additional methods
- ContentRange
- No additional methods
- ContentSecurityPolicy
- getDirectives()
Retrieve the defined directives for the policy
Returns an array
- setDirective(string $name, array $sources)
Set the directive with the given name to include the sources
As an example: an auction site wishes to load images from any URI, plugin content from a list of trusted media providers (including a content distribution network), and scripts only from a server under its control hosting sanitized ECMAScript:
// // Example #2 $csp = new ContentSecurityPolicy(); $csp->setDirective('default-src', array()) // No sources ->setDirective('img-src', array('*')) ->setDirective('object-src' array('', '', '*')) ->setDirective('script-src', array(''));
Returns self
- ContentTransferEncoding
- No additional methods
- ContentType
- match(array|string $matchAgainst)
Determine if the mediatype value in this header matches the provided criteria
Returns bool|string
- getMediaType()
Get the media type
Returns string
- setMediaType(string $mediaType)
Set the media type
Returns self
- getParameters()
Get any additional content-type parameters currently set
Returns array
- setParameters(array $parameters)
Set additional content-type parameters
Returns self
- getCharset()
Get the content-type character set encoding, if any
Returns string|null
- setCharset(string $charset)
Set the content-type character set encoding
Returns self
- Cookie
Extends ArrayObject
static fromSetCookieArray(array $setCookies)
- Date
- See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate methods.
- Etag
- No additional methods
- Expect
- No additional methods
- Expires
- See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate methods.
- From
- No additional methods
- Host
- No additional methods
- IfMatch
- No additional methods
- IfModifiedSince
- See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate methods.
- IfNoneMatch
- No additional methods
- IfRange
- No additional methods
- IfUnmodifiedSince
- See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate methods.
- KeepAlive
- No additional methods
- LastModified
- See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate methods.
- Location
- See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractLocation methods.
- MaxForwards
- No additional methods
- Origin
- No additional methods
- Pragma
- No additional methods
- ProxyAuthenticate
- toStringMultipleHeaders(array $headers)
- ProxyAuthorization
- No additional methods
- Range
- No additional methods
- Referer
- See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractLocation methods.
- Refresh
- No additional methods
- RetryAfter
See Zend\Http\Header\AbstractDate methods.
- setDeltaSeconds(int $delta)
Set number of seconds
Returns self
- getDeltaSeconds()
Get number of seconds
Returns int
- Server
- No additional methods
- SetCookie
- getName() / setName(string $name)
- The cookie name
- getValue() / setValue(string $value)
- The cookie value
- getExpires() / setExpires(int|string $expires)
- The time frame the cookie is valid for, null is a session cookie
- getPath() / setPath(string $path)
- The URI path the cookie is bound to
- getDomain() / setDomain(string $domain)
- The domain the cookie applies to
- getMaxAge() / setMaxAge(int $maxAge)
- The maximum age of the cookie
- getVersion() / setVersion(int $version)
- The cookie version
- isSecure()
Whether the cookies contains the Secure flag
Returns bool
- setSecure(bool $secure)
Set whether the cookies contains the Secure flag
Returns self
- isHttponly()
Whether the cookies can be accessed via HTTP only
Returns bool
- setHttponly(bool $httponly)
Set whether the cookies can be accessed via HTTP only
Returns self
- isExpired()
Whether the cookie is expired
Returns bool
- isSessionCookie()
Whether the cookie is a session cookie
Returns bool
- setQuoteFieldValue(bool $quotedValue)
Set whether the value for this cookie should be quoted
Returns self
- hasQuoteFieldValue()
Check whether the value for this cookie should be quoted
Returns bool
- isValidForRequest()
Whether the cookie is valid for a given request domain, path and isSecure
Returns bool
- match(string $uri, bool $matchSessionCookies, int $now)
Checks whether the cookie should be sent or not in a specific scenario
Returns bool
- static matchCookieDomain(string $cookieDomain, string $host)
Check if a cookie’s domain matches a host name.
Returns bool
- static matchCookiePath(string $cookiePath, string $path)
Check if a cookie’s path matches a URL path
Returns bool
- toStringMultipleHeaders(array $headers)
- Returns string
- TE
- No additional methods
- Trailer
- No additional methods
- TransferEncoding
- No additional methods
- Upgrade
- No additional methods
- UserAgent
- No additional methods
- Vary
- No additional methods
- Via
- No additional methods
- Warning
- No additional methods
- WWWAuthenticate
- toStringMultipleHeaders(array $headers)
Retrieving headers from a Zend\Http\Headers object
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | // $client is an instance of Zend\Http\Client
$response = $client->send();
$headers = $response->getHeaders();
// We can check if the Request contains a specific header by
// using the ``has`` method. Returns boolean ``TRUE`` if at least
// one matching header found, and ``FALSE`` otherwise
// We can retrieve all instances of a specific header by using
// the ``get`` method:
$contentTypeHeaders = $headers->get('Content-Type');
There are three possibilities for the return value of the above call to the get method:
- If no Content-Type header was set in the Request, get will return false.
- If only one Content-Type header was set in the Request, get will return an instance of Zend\Http\Header\ContentType.
- If more than one Content-Type header was set in the Request, get will return an ArrayIterator containing one Zend\Http\Header\ContentType instance per header.
Adding headers to a Zend\Http\Headers object
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | $headers = new Zend\Http\Headers();
// We can directly add any object that implements Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface
$typeHeader = Zend\Http\Header\ContentType::fromString('Content-Type: text/html');
// We can add headers using the raw string representation, either
// passing the header name and value as separate arguments...
$headers->addHeaderLine('Content-Type', 'text/html');
// .. or we can pass the entire header as the only argument
$headers->addHeaderLine('Content-Type: text/html');
// We can also add headers in bulk using addHeaders, which accepts
// an array of individual header definitions that can be in any of
// the accepted formats outlined below:
// An object implementing Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface
Zend\Http\Header\ContentType::fromString('Content-Type: text/html'),
// A raw header string
'Content-Type: text/html',
// We can also pass the header name as the array key and the
// header content as that array key's value
'Content-Type' => 'text/html');
Removing headers from a Zend\Http\Headers object
We can remove all headers of a specific type using the removeHeader method, which accepts a single object implementing Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | // $headers is a pre-configured instance of Zend\Http\Headers
// We can also delete individual headers or groups of headers
$matches = $headers->get('Content-Type');
// If more than one header was found, iterate over the collection
// and remove each one individually
if ($matches instanceof ArrayIterator) {
foreach ($headers as $header) {
// If only a single header was found, remove it directly
} elseif ($matches instanceof Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface) {
// In addition to this, we can clear all the headers currently stored in
// the container by calling the clearHeaders() method