.. _user-guide.conclusion: Conclusion ========== This concludes our brief look at building a simple, but fully functional, MVC application using Zend Framework 2. In this tutorial we but briefly touched quite a number of different parts of the framework. The most important part of applications built with Zend Framework 2 are the :ref:`modules `, the building blocks of any :ref:`MVC ZF2 application `. To ease the work with dependencies inside our applications, we use the :ref:`service manager `. To be able to map a request to controllers and their actions, we use :ref:`routes `. Data persistence, in most cases, includes using :ref:`Zend\\Db ` to communicate with one of the databases. Input data is filtered and validated with :ref:`input filters ` and together with :ref:`Zend\\Form ` they provide a strong bridge between the domain model and the view layer. :ref:`Zend\\View ` is responsible for the View in the MVC stack, together with a vast amount of :ref:`view helpers `.