.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.cycle: Cycle Helper ------------ The ``Cycle`` helper is used to alternate a set of values. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.cycle.basicusage: .. rubric:: Cycle Helper Basic Usage To add elements to cycle just specify them in constructor or use ``assign(array $data)`` function .. code-block:: php :linenos: books as $book):?> next()?>"> escapeHtml($book['author']) ?> // Moving in backwards order and assign function $this->cycle()->assign(array("#F0F0F0","#FFFFFF")); $this->cycle()->prev(); ?> The output .. code-block:: php :linenos: First Second .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.cycle.advanceusage: .. rubric:: Working with two or more cycles To use two cycles you have to specify the names of cycles. Just set second parameter in cycle method. ``$this->cycle(array("#F0F0F0","#FFFFFF"),'cycle2')``. You can also use setName($name) function. .. code-block:: php :linenos: books as $book):?> next()?>"> cycle(array(1,2,3),'number')->next()?> escapeHtml($book['author'])?>