.. _zend.config.writer: Zend\\Config\\Writer ==================== ``Zend\Config\Writer`` gives you the ability to write config files out of array, ``Zend\Config\Config`` and any Traversable object. The ``Zend\Config\Writer`` is an interface that defines two methods: ``toFile()`` and ``toString()``. We have five specific writers that implement this interface: - ``Zend\Config\Writer\Ini`` - ``Zend\Config\Writer\Xml`` - ``Zend\Config\Writer\PhpArray`` - ``Zend\Config\Writer\Json`` - ``Zend\Config\Writer\Yaml`` .. _zend.config.writer.ini: Zend\\Config\\Writer\\Ini ------------------------- The *INI* writer has two modes for rendering with regard to sections. By default the top-level configuration is always written into section names. By calling ``$writer->setRenderWithoutSectionsFlags(true);`` all options are written into the global namespace of the *INI* file and no sections are applied. As an addition ``Zend\Config\Writer\Ini`` has an additional option parameter **nestSeparator**, which defines with which character the single nodes are separated. The default is a single dot, like it is accepted by ``Zend\Config\Reader\Ini`` by default. When modifying or creating a ``Zend\Config\Config`` object, there are some things to know. To create or modify a value, you simply say set the parameter of the ``Config`` object via the parameter accessor (**->**). To create a section in the root or to create a branch, you just create a new array ("``$config->branch = array();``"). .. _zend.config.writer.ini.example: .. rubric:: Using Zend\\Config\\Writer\\Ini This example illustrates the basic use of ``Zend\Config\Writer\Ini`` to create a new config file: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Create the config object $config = new Zend\Config\Config(array(), true); $config->production = array(); $config->production->webhost = 'www.example.com'; $config->production->database = array(); $config->production->database->params = array(); $config->production->database->params->host = 'localhost'; $config->production->database->params->username = 'production'; $config->production->database->params->password = 'secret'; $config->production->database->params->dbname = 'dbproduction'; $writer = new Zend\Config\Writer\Ini(); echo $writer->toString($config); The result of this code is an INI string contains the following values: .. code-block:: ini :linenos: [production] webhost = "www.example.com" database.params.host = "localhost" database.params.username = "production" database.params.password = "secret" database.params.dbname = "dbproduction" You can use the method ``toFile()`` to store the INI data in a file. .. _zend.config.writer.xml: Zend\\Config\\Writer\\Xml ------------------------- The ``Zend\Config\Writer\Xml`` can be used to generate an XML string or file starting from a ``Zend\Config\Config`` object. .. _zend.config.writer.xml.example: .. rubric:: Using Zend\\Config\\Writer\\Ini This example illustrates the basic use of ``Zend\Config\Writer\Xml`` to create a new config file: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Create the config object $config = new Zend\Config\Config(array(), true); $config->production = array(); $config->production->webhost = 'www.example.com'; $config->production->database = array(); $config->production->database->params = array(); $config->production->database->params->host = 'localhost'; $config->production->database->params->username = 'production'; $config->production->database->params->password = 'secret'; $config->production->database->params->dbname = 'dbproduction'; $writer = new Zend\Config\Writer\Xml(); echo $writer->toString($config); The result of this code is an XML string contains the following data: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: www.example.com localhost production secret dbproduction You can use the method ``toFile()`` to store the XML data in a file. .. _zend.config.writer.phparray: Zend\\Config\\Writer\\PhpArray ------------------------------ The ``Zend\Config\Writer\PhpArray`` can be used to generate a PHP code that returns an array representation of an ``Zend\Config\Config`` object. .. _zend.config.writer.phparray.example: .. rubric:: Using Zend\\Config\\Writer\\PhpArray This example illustrates the basic use of ``Zend\Config\Writer\PhpArray`` to create a new config file: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Create the config object $config = new Zend\Config\Config(array(), true); $config->production = array(); $config->production->webhost = 'www.example.com'; $config->production->database = array(); $config->production->database->params = array(); $config->production->database->params->host = 'localhost'; $config->production->database->params->username = 'production'; $config->production->database->params->password = 'secret'; $config->production->database->params->dbname = 'dbproduction'; $writer = new Zend\Config\Writer\PhpArray(); echo $writer->toString($config); The result of this code is a PHP script that returns an array as follow: .. code-block:: php :linenos: array ( 'webhost' => 'www.example.com', 'database' => array ( 'params' => array ( 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'production', 'password' => 'secret', 'dbname' => 'dbproduction', ), ), ), ); You can use the method ``toFile()`` to store the PHP script in a file. .. _zend.config.writer.json: Zend\\Config\\Writer\\Json -------------------------- The ``Zend\Config\Writer\Json`` can be used to generate a PHP code that returns the JSON representation of a ``Zend\Config\Config`` object. .. _zend.config.writer.json.example: .. rubric:: Using Zend\\Config\\Writer\\Json This example illustrates the basic use of ``Zend\Config\Writer\Json`` to create a new config file: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Create the config object $config = new Zend\Config\Config(array(), true); $config->production = array(); $config->production->webhost = 'www.example.com'; $config->production->database = array(); $config->production->database->params = array(); $config->production->database->params->host = 'localhost'; $config->production->database->params->username = 'production'; $config->production->database->params->password = 'secret'; $config->production->database->params->dbname = 'dbproduction'; $writer = new Zend\Config\Writer\Json(); echo $writer->toString($config); The result of this code is a JSON string contains the following values: .. code-block:: json :linenos: { "webhost" : "www.example.com", "database" : { "params" : { "host" : "localhost", "username" : "production", "password" : "secret", "dbname" : "dbproduction" } } } You can use the method ``toFile()`` to store the JSON data in a file. The ``Zend\Config\Writer\Json`` class uses the ``Zend\Json\Json`` component to convert the data in a JSON format. .. _zend.config.writer.yaml: Zend\\Config\\Writer\\Yaml -------------------------- The ``Zend\Config\Writer\Yaml`` can be used to generate a PHP code that returns the YAML representation of a ``Zend\Config\Config`` object. In order to use the YAML writer we need to pass a callback to an external PHP library or use the `Yaml PECL extension`_. .. _zend.config.writer.yaml.example: .. rubric:: Using Zend\\Config\\Writer\\Yaml This example illustrates the basic use of ``Zend\Config\Writer\Yaml`` to create a new config file using the Yaml PECL extension: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Create the config object $config = new Zend\Config\Config(array(), true); $config->production = array(); $config->production->webhost = 'www.example.com'; $config->production->database = array(); $config->production->database->params = array(); $config->production->database->params->host = 'localhost'; $config->production->database->params->username = 'production'; $config->production->database->params->password = 'secret'; $config->production->database->params->dbname = 'dbproduction'; $writer = new Zend\Config\Writer\Yaml(); echo $writer->toString($config); The result of this code is a YAML string contains the following values: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: webhost: www.example.com database: params: host: localhost username: production password: secret dbname: dbproduction You can use the method ``toFile()`` to store the YAML data in a file. If you want to use an external YAML writer library you have to pass the callback function in the constructor of the class. For instance, if you want to use the `Spyc`_ library: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // include the Spyc library require_once ('path/to/spyc.php'); $writer = new Zend\Config\Writer\Yaml(array('Spyc','YAMLDump')); echo $writer->toString($config); .. _`Yaml PECL extension`: http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.yaml.php .. _`Spyc`: http://code.google.com/p/spyc/