.. _zend.json.advanced: Advanced Usage of Zend\\Json =========================== .. _zend.json.advanced.objects1: JSON Objects ------------ When encoding *PHP* objects as *JSON*, all public properties of that object will be encoded in a *JSON* object. *JSON* does not allow object references, so care should be taken not to encode objects with recursive references. If you have issues with recursion, ``Zend\Json\Json::encode()`` and ``Zend\Json\Encoder::encode()`` allow an optional second parameter to check for recursion; if an object is serialized twice, an exception will be thrown. Decoding *JSON* objects poses an additional difficulty, however, since Javascript objects correspond most closely to *PHP*'s associative array. Some suggest that a class identifier should be passed, and an object instance of that class should be created and populated with the key/value pairs of the *JSON* object; others feel this could pose a substantial security risk. By default, ``Zend\Json\Json`` will decode *JSON* objects as associative arrays. However, if you desire an object returned, you can specify this: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Decode JSON objects as PHP objects $phpNative = Zend\Json\Json::decode($encodedValue, Zend\Json\Json::TYPE_OBJECT); Any objects thus decoded are returned as ``StdClass`` objects with properties corresponding to the key/value pairs in the *JSON* notation. The recommendation of Zend Framework is that the individual developer should decide how to decode *JSON* objects. If an object of a specified type should be created, it can be created in the developer code and populated with the values decoded using ``Zend\Json``. .. _zend.json.advanced.objects2: Encoding PHP objects -------------------- If you are encoding *PHP* objects by default the encoding mechanism can only access public properties of these objects. When a method ``toJson()`` is implemented on an object to encode, ``Zend\Json\Json`` calls this method and expects the object to return a *JSON* representation of its internal state. ``Zend\Json\Json`` can encode PHP objects recursively but does not do so by default. This can be enabled by passing ``true`` as a second argument to ``Zend\Json\Json::encode()``. .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Encode PHP object recursively $jsonObject = Zend\Json\Json::encode($data, true); .. _zend.json.advanced.internal: Internal Encoder/Decoder ------------------------ ``Zend\Json`` has two different modes depending if ext/json is enabled in your *PHP* installation or not. If ext/json is installed by default ``json_encode()`` and ``json_decode()`` functions are used for encoding and decoding *JSON*. If ext/json is not installed a Zend Framework implementation in *PHP* code is used for en-/decoding. This is considerably slower than using the *PHP* extension, but behaves exactly the same. Still sometimes you might want to use the internal encoder/decoder even if you have ext/json installed. You can achieve this by calling: .. code-block:: php :linenos: Zend\Json\Json::$useBuiltinEncoderDecoder = true: .. _zend.json.advanced.expr: JSON Expressions ---------------- Javascript makes heavy use of anonymous function callbacks, which can be saved within *JSON* object variables. Still they only work if not returned inside double quotes, which ``Zend\Json`` naturally does. With the Expression support for ``Zend\Json`` support you can encode *JSON* objects with valid javascript callbacks. This works for both ``json_encode()`` or the internal encoder. A javascript callback is represented using the ``Zend\Json\Expr`` object. It implements the value object pattern and is immutable. You can set the javascript expression as the first constructor argument. By default ``Zend\Json\Json::encode`` does not encode javascript callbacks, you have to pass the option ``enableJsonExprFinder`` and set it to ``TRUE`` into the ``encode`` function. If enabled the expression support works for all nested expressions in large object structures. A usage example would look like: .. code-block:: php :linenos: $data = array( 'onClick' => new Zend\Json\Expr('function() {' . 'alert("I am a valid javascript callback ' . 'created by Zend\Json"); }'), 'other' => 'no expression', ); $jsonObjectWithExpression = Zend\Json\Json::encode( $data, false, array('enableJsonExprFinder' => true) );