.. _zend.mail.file-options: Zend\\Mail\\Transport\\FileOptions ================================== .. _zend.mail.file-options.intro: Overview -------- This document details the various options available to the ``Zend\Mail\Transport\File`` mail transport. .. _zend.mail.file-options.quick-start: Quick Start ----------- .. _zend.mail.file-options.quick-start.usage: .. rubric:: File Transport Usage .. code-block:: php :linenos: use Zend\Mail\Transport\File as FileTransport; use Zend\Mail\Transport\FileOptions; // Setup File transport $transport = new FileTransport(); $options = new FileOptions(array( 'path' => 'data/mail/', 'callback' => function (FileTransport $transport) { return 'Message_' . microtime(true) . '_' . mt_rand() . '.txt'; }, )); $transport->setOptions($options); .. _zend.mail.file-options.options: Configuration Options --------------------- .. rubric:: Configuration Options .. _zend.mail.file-options.options.path: **path** The path under which mail files will be written. .. _zend.mail.file-options.options.callback: **callback** A PHP callable to be invoked in order to generate a unique name for a message file. By default, the following is used: .. code-block:: php :linenos: function (Zend\Mail\FileTransport $transport) { return 'ZendMail_' . time() . '_' . mt_rand() . '.tmp'; } .. _zend.mail.file-options.methods: Available Methods ----------------- ``Zend\Mail\Transport\FileOptions`` extends ``Zend\Stdlib\Options``, and inherits all functionality from that class; this includes ``ArrayAccess`` and property overloading. Additionally, the following explicit setters and getters are provided. .. _zend.mail.file-options.methods.set-path: **__construct** ``setPath(string $path)`` Set the path under which mail files will be written. Implements fluent interface. .. _zend.mail.file-options.methods.get-path: **getPath** ``getPath()`` Get the path under which mail files will be written. Returns string .. _zend.mail.file-options.methods.set-callback: **setCallback** ``setCallback(Callable $callback)`` Set the callback used to generate unique filenames for messages. Implements fluent interface. .. _zend.mail.file-options.methods.get-callback: **getCallback** ``getCallback()`` Get the callback used to generate unique filenames for messages. Returns PHP callable argument. .. _zend.mail.file-options.methods.__construct: **__construct** ``__construct(null|array|Traversable $config)`` Initialize the object. Allows passing a PHP array or ``Traversable`` object with which to populate the instance. .. _zend.mail.file-options.examples: Examples -------- Please see the :ref:`Quick Start ` for examples.