.. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation: Navigation Helpers ------------------ The navigation helpers are used for rendering navigational elements from :ref:`Zend\Navigation\Container ` instances. There are 5 built-in helpers: - :ref:`Breadcrumbs `, used for rendering the path to the currently active page. - :ref:`Links `, used for rendering navigational head links (e.g. ````) - :ref:`Menu `, used for rendering menus. - :ref:`Sitemap `, used for rendering sitemaps conforming to the `Sitemaps XML format`_. - :ref:`Navigation `, used for proxying calls to other navigational helpers. All built-in helpers extend ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\HelperAbstract``, which adds integration with :ref:`ACL ` and :ref:`translation `. The abstract class implements the interface ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Helper``, which defines the following methods: - ``getContainer()`` and ``setContainer()`` gets and sets the navigation container the helper should operate on by default, and ``hasContainer()`` checks if the helper has container registered. - ``getTranslator()`` and ``setTranslator()`` gets and sets the translator used for translating labels and titles. ``getUseTranslator()`` and ``setUseTranslator()`` controls whether the translator should be enabled. The method ``hasTranslator()`` checks if the helper has a translator registered. - ``getAcl()``, ``setAcl()``, ``getRole()`` and ``setRole()``, gets and sets *ACL* (``Zend\Permissions\Acl``) instance and role (``String`` or ``Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\RoleInterface``) used for filtering out pages when rendering. ``getUseAcl()`` and ``setUseAcl()`` controls whether *ACL* should be enabled. The methods ``hasAcl()`` and ``hasRole()`` checks if the helper has an *ACL* instance or a role registered. - ``__toString()``, magic method to ensure that helpers can be rendered by echoing the helper instance directly. - ``render()``, must be implemented by concrete helpers to do the actual rendering. In addition to the method stubs from the interface, the abstract class also implements the following methods: - ``getIndent()`` and ``setIndent()`` gets and sets indentation. The setter accepts a ``String`` or an ``Integer``. In the case of an ``Integer``, the helper will use the given number of spaces for indentation. I.e., ``setIndent(4)`` means 4 initial spaces of indentation. Indentation can be specified for all helpers except the Sitemap helper. - ``getMinDepth()`` and ``setMinDepth()`` gets and sets the minimum depth a page must have to be included by the helper. Setting ``NULL`` means no minimum depth. - ``getMaxDepth()`` and ``setMaxDepth()`` gets and sets the maximum depth a page can have to be included by the helper. Setting ``NULL`` means no maximum depth. - ``getRenderInvisible()`` and ``setRenderInvisible()`` gets and sets whether to render items that have been marked as invisible or not. - ``__call()`` is used for proxying calls to the container registered in the helper, which means you can call methods on a helper as if it was a container. See :ref:`example ` below. - ``findActive($container, $minDepth, $maxDepth)`` is used for finding the deepest active page in the given container. If depths are not given, the method will use the values retrieved from ``getMinDepth()`` and ``getMaxDepth()``. The deepest active page must be between ``$minDepth`` and ``$maxDepth`` inclusively. Returns an array containing a reference to the found page instance and the depth at which the page was found. - ``htmlify()`` renders an **'a'** *HTML* element from a ``Zend\Navigation\Page\AbstractPage`` instance. - ``accept()`` is used for determining if a page should be accepted when iterating containers. This method checks for page visibility and verifies that the helper's role is allowed access to the page's resource and privilege. - The static method ``setDefaultAcl()`` is used for setting a default *ACL* object that will be used by helpers. - The static method ``setDefaultRole()`` is used for setting a default *ACL* that will be used by helpers If a container is not explicitly set, the helper will create an empty ``Zend\Navigation`` container when calling ``$helper->getContainer()``. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.proxy.example: .. rubric:: Proxying calls to the navigation container Navigation view helpers use the magic method ``__call()`` to proxy method calls to the navigation container that is registered in the view helper. .. code-block:: php :linenos: $this->navigation()->addPage(array( 'type' => 'uri', 'label' => 'New page')); The call above will add a page to the container in the ``Navigation`` helper. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.i18n: Translation of labels and titles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The navigation helpers support translation of page labels and titles. You can set a translator of type ``Zend\I18n\Translator`` in the helper using ``$helper->setTranslator($translator)``. If you want to disable translation, use ``$helper->setUseTranslator(false)``. The :ref:`proxy helper ` will inject its own translator to the helper it proxies to if the proxied helper doesn't already have a translator. .. note:: There is no translation in the sitemap helper, since there are no page labels or titles involved in an *XML* sitemap. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.acl: Integration with ACL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All navigational view helpers support *ACL* inherently from the class ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\HelperAbstract``. A ``Zend\Permissions\Acl`` object can be assigned to a helper instance with *$helper->setAcl($acl)*, and role with *$helper->setRole('member')* or *$helper->setRole(new Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\GenericRole('member'))*. If *ACL* is used in the helper, the role in the helper must be allowed by the *ACL* to access a page's *resource* and/or have the page's *privilege* for the page to be included when rendering. If a page is not accepted by *ACL*, any descendant page will also be excluded from rendering. The :ref:`proxy helper ` will inject its own *ACL* and role to the helper it proxies to if the proxied helper doesn't already have any. The examples below all show how *ACL* affects rendering. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.setup: Navigation setup used in examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This example shows the setup of a navigation container for a fictional software company. Notes on the setup: - The domain for the site is *www.example.com*. - Interesting page properties are marked with a comment. - Unless otherwise is stated in other examples, the user is requesting the *URL* *http://www.example.com/products/server/faq/*, which translates to the page labeled ``FAQ`` under *Foo Server*. - The assumed *ACL* and router setup is shown below the container setup. .. code-block:: php :linenos: /* * Navigation container (config/array) * Each element in the array will be passed to * Zend\Navigation\Page\AbstractPage::factory() when constructing * the navigation container below. */ $pages = array( array( 'label' => 'Home', 'title' => 'Go Home', 'module' => 'default', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'order' => -100 // make sure home is the first page ), array( 'label' => 'Special offer this week only!', 'module' => 'store', 'controller' => 'offer', 'action' => 'amazing', 'visible' => false // not visible ), array( 'label' => 'Products', 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'pages' => array( array( 'label' => 'Foo Server', 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'server', 'action' => 'index', 'pages' => array( array( 'label' => 'FAQ', 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'server', 'action' => 'faq', 'rel' => array( 'canonical' => 'http://www.example.com/?page=faq', 'alternate' => array( 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'server', 'action' => 'faq', 'params' => array('format' => 'xml') ) ) ), array( 'label' => 'Editions', 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'server', 'action' => 'editions' ), array( 'label' => 'System Requirements', 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'server', 'action' => 'requirements' ) ) ), array( 'label' => 'Foo Studio', 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'studio', 'action' => 'index', 'pages' => array( array( 'label' => 'Customer Stories', 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'studio', 'action' => 'customers' ), array( 'label' => 'Support', 'module' => 'products', 'controller' => 'studio', 'action' => 'support' ) ) ) ) ), array( 'label' => 'Company', 'title' => 'About us', 'module' => 'company', 'controller' => 'about', 'action' => 'index', 'pages' => array( array( 'label' => 'Investor Relations', 'module' => 'company', 'controller' => 'about', 'action' => 'investors' ), array( 'label' => 'News', 'class' => 'rss', // class 'module' => 'company', 'controller' => 'news', 'action' => 'index', 'pages' => array( array( 'label' => 'Press Releases', 'module' => 'company', 'controller' => 'news', 'action' => 'press' ), array( 'label' => 'Archive', 'route' => 'archive', // route 'module' => 'company', 'controller' => 'news', 'action' => 'archive' ) ) ) ) ), array( 'label' => 'Community', 'module' => 'community', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'pages' => array( array( 'label' => 'My Account', 'module' => 'community', 'controller' => 'account', 'action' => 'index', 'resource' => 'mvc:community.account' // resource ), array( 'label' => 'Forums', 'uri' => 'http://forums.example.com/', 'class' => 'external' // class ) ) ), array( 'label' => 'Administration', 'module' => 'admin', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'resource' => 'mvc:admin', // resource 'pages' => array( array( 'label' => 'Write new article', 'module' => 'admin', 'controller' => 'post', 'aciton' => 'write' ) ) ) ); // Create container from array $container = new Zend\Navigation\Navigation($pages); // Store the container in the proxy helper: $view->getHelper('navigation')->setContainer($container); // ...or simply: $view->navigation($container); In addition to the container above, the following setup is assumed: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Setup router (default routes and 'archive' route): $front = Zend\Controller\Front::getInstance(); $router = $front->getRouter(); $router->addDefaultRoutes(); $router->addRoute( 'archive', new Zend\Controller\Router\Route( '/archive/:year', array( 'module' => 'company', 'controller' => 'news', 'action' => 'archive', 'year' => (int) date('Y') - 1 ), array('year' => '\d+') ) ); // Setup ACL: $acl = new Zend\Permissions\Acl\Acl(); $acl->addRole(new Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\GenericRole('member')); $acl->addRole(new Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\GenericRole('admin')); $acl->add(new Zend\Permissions\Acl\Resource\GenericResource('mvc:admin')); $acl->add(new Zend\Permissions\Acl\Resource\GenericResource('mvc:community.account')); $acl->allow('member', 'mvc:community.account'); $acl->allow('admin', null); // Store ACL and role in the proxy helper: $view->navigation()->setAcl($acl)->setRole('member'); // ...or set default ACL and role statically: Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\HelperAbstract::setDefaultAcl($acl); Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\HelperAbstract::setDefaultRole('member'); .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs Helper ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Breadcrumbs are used for indicating where in a sitemap a user is currently browsing, and are typically rendered like this: "You are here: Home > Products > FantasticProduct 1.0". The breadcrumbs helper follows the guidelines from `Breadcrumbs Pattern - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library`_, and allows simple customization (minimum/maximum depth, indentation, separator, and whether the last element should be linked), or rendering using a partial view script. The Breadcrumbs helper works like this; it finds the deepest active page in a navigation container, and renders an upwards path to the root. For *MVC* pages, the "activeness" of a page is determined by inspecting the request object, as stated in the section on :ref:`Zend\Navigation\Page\Mvc `. The helper sets the *minDepth* property to 1 by default, meaning breadcrumbs will not be rendered if the deepest active page is a root page. If *maxDepth* is specified, the helper will stop rendering when at the specified depth (e.g. stop at level 2 even if the deepest active page is on level 3). Methods in the breadcrumbs helper: - *{get|set}Separator()* gets/sets separator string that is used between breadcrumbs. Default is *' > '*. - *{get|set}LinkLast()* gets/sets whether the last breadcrumb should be rendered as an anchor or not. Default is ``FALSE``. - *{get|set}Partial()* gets/sets a partial view script that should be used for rendering breadcrumbs. If a partial view script is set, the helper's ``render()`` method will use the ``renderPartial()`` method. If no partial is set, the ``renderStraight()`` method is used. The helper expects the partial to be a ``String`` or an ``Array`` with two elements. If the partial is a ``String``, it denotes the name of the partial script to use. If it is an ``Array``, the first element will be used as the name of the partial view script, and the second element is the module where the script is found. - ``renderStraight()`` is the default render method. - ``renderPartial()`` is used for rendering using a partial view script. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.breadcrumbs.example1: .. rubric:: Rendering breadcrumbs This example shows how to render breadcrumbs with default settings. .. code-block:: php :linenos: In a view script or layout: navigation()->breadcrumbs(); ?> The two calls above take advantage of the magic __toString() method, and are equivalent to: navigation()->breadcrumbs()->render(); ?> Output: Products > Foo Server > FAQ .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.breadcrumbs.example2: .. rubric:: Specifying indentation This example shows how to render breadcrumbs with initial indentation. .. code-block:: php :linenos: Rendering with 8 spaces indentation: navigation()->breadcrumbs()->setIndent(8);?> Output: Products > Foo Server > FAQ .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.breadcrumbs.example3: .. rubric:: Customize breadcrumbs output This example shows how to customze breadcrumbs output by specifying various options. .. code-block:: php :linenos: In a view script or layout: navigation() ->breadcrumbs() ->setLinkLast(true) // link last page ->setMaxDepth(1) // stop at level 1 ->setSeparator(' ▶' . PHP_EOL); // cool separator with newline ?> Output: ProductsFoo Server ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Setting minimum depth required to render breadcrumbs: navigation()->breadcrumbs()->setMinDepth(10); echo $this->navigation()->breadcrumbs(); ?> Output: Nothing, because the deepest active page is not at level 10 or deeper. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.breadcrumbs.example4: .. rubric:: Rendering breadcrumbs using a partial view script This example shows how to render customized breadcrumbs using a partial vew script. By calling ``setPartial()``, you can specify a partial view script that will be used when calling ``render()``. When a partial is specified, the ``renderPartial()`` method will be called. This method will find the deepest active page and pass an array of pages that leads to the active page to the partial view script. In a layout: .. code-block:: php :linenos: $partial = ; echo $this->navigation()->breadcrumbs() ->setPartial(array('breadcrumbs.phtml', 'default')); Contents of *application/modules/default/views/breadcrumbs.phtml*: .. code-block:: php :linenos: echo implode(', ', array_map( create_function('$a', 'return $a->getLabel();'), $this->pages)); Output: .. code-block:: php :linenos: Products, Foo Server, FAQ .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.links: Links Helper ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The links helper is used for rendering *HTML* ``LINK`` elements. Links are used for describing document relationships of the currently active page. Read more about links and link types at `Document relationships: the LINK element (HTML4 W3C Rec.)`_ and `Link types (HTML4 W3C Rec.)`_ in the *HTML*\ 4 W3C Recommendation. There are two types of relations; forward and reverse, indicated by the keyords *'rel'* and *'rev'*. Most methods in the helper will take a ``$rel`` param, which must be either *'rel'* or *'rev'*. Most methods also take a ``$type`` param, which is used for specifying the link type (e.g. alternate, start, next, prev, chapter, etc). Relationships can be added to page objects manually, or found by traversing the container registered in the helper. The method ``findRelation($page, $rel, $type)`` will first try to find the given ``$rel`` of ``$type`` from the ``$page`` by calling *$page->findRel($type)* or *$page->findRel($type)*. If the ``$page`` has a relation that can be converted to a page instance, that relation will be used. If the ``$page`` instance doesn't have the specified ``$type``, the helper will look for a method in the helper named *search$rel$type* (e.g. ``searchRelNext()`` or ``searchRevAlternate()``). If such a method exists, it will be used for determining the ``$page``'s relation by traversing the container. Not all relations can be determined by traversing the container. These are the relations that will be found by searching: - ``searchRelStart()``, forward 'start' relation: the first page in the container. - ``searchRelNext()``, forward 'next' relation; finds the next page in the container, i.e. the page after the active page. - ``searchRelPrev()``, forward 'prev' relation; finds the previous page, i.e. the page before the active page. - ``searchRelChapter()``, forward 'chapter' relations; finds all pages on level 0 except the 'start' relation or the active page if it's on level 0. - ``searchRelSection()``, forward 'section' relations; finds all child pages of the active page if the active page is on level 0 (a 'chapter'). - ``searchRelSubsection()``, forward 'subsection' relations; finds all child pages of the active page if the active pages is on level 1 (a 'section'). - ``searchRevSection()``, reverse 'section' relation; finds the parent of the active page if the active page is on level 1 (a 'section'). - ``searchRevSubsection()``, reverse 'subsection' relation; finds the parent of the active page if the active page is on level 2 (a 'subsection'). .. note:: When looking for relations in the page instance (*$page->getRel($type)* or *$page->getRev($type)*), the helper accepts the values of type ``String``, ``Array``, ``Zend\Config``, or ``Zend\Navigation\Page\AbstractPage``. If a string is found, it will be converted to a ``Zend\Navigation\Page\Uri``. If an array or a config is found, it will be converted to one or several page instances. If the first key of the array/config is numeric, it will be considered to contain several pages, and each element will be passed to the :ref:`page factory `. If the first key is not numeric, the array/config will be passed to the page factory directly, and a single page will be returned. The helper also supports magic methods for finding relations. E.g. to find forward alternate relations, call *$helper->findRelAlternate($page)*, and to find reverse section relations, call *$helper->findRevSection($page)*. Those calls correspond to *$helper->findRelation($page, 'rel', 'alternate');* and *$helper->findRelation($page, 'rev', 'section');* respectively. To customize which relations should be rendered, the helper uses a render flag. The render flag is an integer value, and will be used in a `bitwise and (&) operation`_ against the helper's render constants to determine if the relation that belongs to the render constant should be rendered. See the :ref:`example below ` for more information. - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_ALTERNATE`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_STYLESHEET`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_START`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_NEXT`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links:::RENDER_PREV`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_CONTENTS`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_INDEX`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_GLOSSARY`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links:::RENDER_COPYRIGHT`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_CHAPTER`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_SECTION`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_SUBSECTION`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_APPENDIX`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_HELP`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_BOOKMARK`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_CUSTOM`` - ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_ALL`` The constants from ``RENDER_ALTERNATE`` to ``RENDER_BOOKMARK`` denote standard *HTML* link types. ``RENDER_CUSTOM`` denotes non-standard relations that specified in pages. ``RENDER_ALL`` denotes standard and non-standard relations. Methods in the links helper: - *{get|set}RenderFlag()* gets/sets the render flag. Default is ``RENDER_ALL``. See examples below on how to set the render flag. - ``findAllRelations()`` finds all relations of all types for a given page. - ``findRelation()`` finds all relations of a given type from a given page. - *searchRel{Start|Next|Prev|Chapter|Section|Subsection}()* traverses a container to find forward relations to the start page, the next page, the previous page, chapters, sections, and subsections. - *searchRev{Section|Subsection}()* traverses a container to find reverse relations to sections or subsections. - ``renderLink()`` renders a single *link* element. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.links.example1: .. rubric:: Specify relations in pages This example shows how to specify relations in pages. .. code-block:: php :linenos: $container = new Zend\Navigation\Navigation(array( array( 'label' => 'Relations using strings', 'rel' => array( 'alternate' => 'http://www.example.org/' ), 'rev' => array( 'alternate' => 'http://www.example.net/' ) ), array( 'label' => 'Relations using arrays', 'rel' => array( 'alternate' => array( 'label' => 'Example.org', 'uri' => 'http://www.example.org/' ) ) ), array( 'label' => 'Relations using configs', 'rel' => array( 'alternate' => new Zend\Config(array( 'label' => 'Example.org', 'uri' => 'http://www.example.org/' )) ) ), array( 'label' => 'Relations using pages instance', 'rel' => array( 'alternate' => Zend\Navigation\Page\AbstractPage::factory(array( 'label' => 'Example.org', 'uri' => 'http://www.example.org/' )) ) ) )); .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.links.example2: .. rubric:: Default rendering of links This example shows how to render a menu from a container registered/found in the view helper. .. code-block:: php :linenos: In a view script or layout: view->navigation()->links(); ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.links.example3: .. rubric:: Specify which relations to render This example shows how to specify which relations to find and render. .. code-block:: php :linenos: Render only start, next, and prev: $helper->setRenderFlag(Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_START | Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_NEXT | Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_PREV); Output: .. code-block:: php :linenos: Render only native link types: $helper->setRenderFlag(Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_ALL ^ Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_CUSTOM); Output: .. code-block:: php :linenos: Render all but chapter: $helper->setRenderFlag(Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_ALL ^ Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Links::RENDER_CHAPTER); Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu: Menu Helper ^^^^^^^^^^^ The Menu helper is used for rendering menus from navigation containers. By default, the menu will be rendered using *HTML* *UL* and *LI* tags, but the helper also allows using a partial view script. Methods in the Menu helper: - *{get|set}UlClass()* gets/sets the *CSS* class used in ``renderMenu()``. - *{get|set}OnlyActiveBranch()* gets/sets a flag specifying whether only the active branch of a container should be rendered. - *{get|set}RenderParents()* gets/sets a flag specifying whether parents should be rendered when only rendering active branch of a container. If set to ``FALSE``, only the deepest active menu will be rendered. - *{get|set}Partial()* gets/sets a partial view script that should be used for rendering menu. If a partial view script is set, the helper's ``render()`` method will use the ``renderPartial()`` method. If no partial is set, the ``renderMenu()`` method is used. The helper expects the partial to be a ``String`` or an ``Array`` with two elements. If the partial is a ``String``, it denotes the name of the partial script to use. If it is an ``Array``, the first element will be used as the name of the partial view script, and the second element is the module where the script is found. - ``htmlify()`` overrides the method from the abstract class to return *span* elements if the page has no *href*. - ``renderMenu($container = null, $options = array())`` is the default render method, and will render a container as a *HTML* *UL* list. If ``$container`` is not given, the container registered in the helper will be rendered. ``$options`` is used for overriding options specified temporarily without rsetting the values in the helper instance. It is an associative array where each key corresponds to an option in the helper. Recognized options: - *indent*; indentation. Expects a ``String`` or an *int* value. - *minDepth*; minimum depth. Expcects an *int* or ``NULL`` (no minimum depth). - *maxDepth*; maximum depth. Expcects an *int* or ``NULL`` (no maximum depth). - *ulClass*; *CSS* class for *ul* element. Expects a ``String``. - *onlyActiveBranch*; whether only active branch should be rendered. Expects a ``Boolean`` value. - *renderParents*; whether parents should be rendered if only rendering active branch. Expects a ``Boolean`` value. If an option is not given, the value set in the helper will be used. - ``renderPartial()`` is used for rendering the menu using a partial view script. - ``renderSubMenu()`` renders the deepest menu level of a container's active branch. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example1: .. rubric:: Rendering a menu This example shows how to render a menu from a container registered/found in the view helper. Notice how pages are filtered out based on visibility and *ACL*. .. code-block:: php :linenos: In a view script or layout: navigation()->menu()->render() ?> Or simply: navigation()->menu() ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example2: .. rubric:: Calling renderMenu() directly This example shows how to render a menu that is not registered in the view helper by calling the ``renderMenu()`` directly and specifying a few options. .. code-block:: php :linenos: navigation()->findOneByLabel('Community'); $options = array( 'indent' => 16, 'ulClass' => 'community' ); echo $this->navigation() ->menu() ->renderMenu($community, $options); ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example3: .. rubric:: Rendering the deepest active menu This example shows how the ``renderSubMenu()`` will render the deepest sub menu of the active branch. Calling ``renderSubMenu($container, $ulClass, $indent)`` is equivalent to calling ``renderMenu($container, $options)`` with the following options: .. code-block:: php :linenos: array( 'ulClass' => $ulClass, 'indent' => $indent, 'minDepth' => null, 'maxDepth' => null, 'onlyActiveBranch' => true, 'renderParents' => false ); .. code-block:: php :linenos: navigation() ->menu() ->renderSubMenu(null, 'sidebar', 4); ?> The output will be the same if 'FAQ' or 'Foo Server' is active: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example4: .. rubric:: Rendering a menu with maximum depth .. code-block:: php :linenos: navigation() ->menu() ->setMaxDepth(1); ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example5: .. rubric:: Rendering a menu with minimum depth .. code-block:: php :linenos: navigation() ->menu() ->setMinDepth(1); ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example6: .. rubric:: Rendering only the active branch of a menu .. code-block:: php :linenos: navigation() ->menu() ->setOnlyActiveBranch(true); ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example7: .. rubric:: Rendering only the active branch of a menu with minimum depth .. code-block:: php :linenos: navigation() ->menu() ->setOnlyActiveBranch(true) ->setMinDepth(1); ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example8: .. rubric:: Rendering only the active branch of a menu with maximum depth .. code-block:: php :linenos: navigation() ->menu() ->setOnlyActiveBranch(true) ->setMaxDepth(1); ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example9: .. rubric:: Rendering only the active branch of a menu with maximum depth and no parents .. code-block:: php :linenos: navigation() ->menu() ->setOnlyActiveBranch(true) ->setRenderParents(false) ->setMaxDepth(1); ?> Output: .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu.example10: .. rubric:: Rendering a custom menu using a partial view script This example shows how to render a custom menu using a partial vew script. By calling ``setPartial()``, you can specify a partial view script that will be used when calling ``render()``. When a partial is specified, the ``renderPartial()`` method will be called. This method will assign the container to the view with the key *container*. In a layout: .. code-block:: php :linenos: $partial = array('menu.phtml', 'default'); $this->navigation()->menu()->setPartial($partial); echo $this->navigation()->menu()->render(); In application/modules/default/views/menu.phtml: .. code-block:: php :linenos: foreach ($this->container as $page) { echo $this->navigation()->menu()->htmlify($page), PHP_EOL; } Output: .. code-block:: php :linenos: Home Products Company Community .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.sitemap: Sitemap Helper ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Sitemap helper is used for generating *XML* sitemaps, as defined by the `Sitemaps XML format`_. Read more about `Sitemaps on Wikpedia`_. By default, the sitemap helper uses :ref:`sitemap validators ` to validate each element that is rendered. This can be disabled by calling *$helper->setUseSitemapValidators(false)*. .. note:: If you disable sitemap validators, the custom properties (see table) are not validated at all. The sitemap helper also supports `Sitemap XSD Schema`_ validation of the generated sitemap. This is disabled by default, since it will require a request to the Schema file. It can be enabled with *$helper->setUseSchemaValidation(true)*. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.sitemap.elements: .. table:: Sitemap XML elements +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Element |Description | +==========+======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================+ |loc |Absolute URL to page. An absolute URL will be generated by the helper. | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |lastmod |The date of last modification of the file, in W3C Datetime format. This time portion can be omitted if desired, and only use YYYY-MM-DD. The helper will try to retrieve the lastmod value from the page's custom property lastmod if it is set in the page. If the value is not a valid date, it is ignored. | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |changefreq|How frequently the page is likely to change. This value provides general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly to how often they crawl the page. Valid values are: alwayshourlydailyweeklymonthlyyearlynever The helper will try to retrieve the changefreq value from the page's custom property changefreq if it is set in the page. If the value is not valid, it is ignored.| +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |priority |The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. The helper will try to retrieve the priority value from the page's custom property priority if it is set in the page. If the value is not valid, it is ignored. | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Methods in the sitemap helper: - *{get|set}FormatOutput()* gets/sets a flag indicating whether *XML* output should be formatted. This corresponds to the *formatOutput* property of the native ``DOMDocument`` class. Read more at `PHP: DOMDocument - Manual`_. Default is ``FALSE``. - *{get|set}UseXmlDeclaration()* gets/sets a flag indicating whether the *XML* declaration should be included when rendering. Default is ``TRUE``. - *{get|set}UseSitemapValidators()* gets/sets a flag indicating whether sitemap validators should be used when generating the DOM sitemap. Default is ``TRUE``. - *{get|set}UseSchemaValidation()* gets/sets a flag indicating whether the helper should use *XML* Schema validation when generating the DOM sitemap. Default is ``FALSE``. If ``TRUE``. - *{get|set}ServerUrl()* gets/sets server *URL* that will be prepended to non-absolute *URL*\ s in the ``url()`` method. If no server *URL* is specified, it will be determined by the helper. - ``url()`` is used to generate absolute *URL*\ s to pages. - ``getDomSitemap()`` generates a DOMDocument from a given container. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.sitemap.example: .. rubric:: Rendering an XML sitemap This example shows how to render an *XML* sitemap based on the setup we did further up. .. code-block:: php :linenos: // In a view script or layout: // format output $this->navigation() ->sitemap() ->setFormatOutput(true); // default is false // other possible methods: // ->setUseXmlDeclaration(false); // default is true // ->setServerUrl('http://my.otherhost.com'); // default is to detect automatically // print sitemap echo $this->navigation()->sitemap(); Notice how pages that are invisible or pages with *ACL* roles incompatible with the view helper are filtered out: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: http://www.example.com/ http://www.example.com/products http://www.example.com/products/server http://www.example.com/products/server/faq http://www.example.com/products/server/editions http://www.example.com/products/server/requirements http://www.example.com/products/studio http://www.example.com/products/studio/customers http://www.example.com/products/studio/support http://www.example.com/company/about http://www.example.com/company/about/investors http://www.example.com/company/news http://www.example.com/company/news/press http://www.example.com/archive http://www.example.com/community http://www.example.com/community/account http://forums.example.com/ Render the sitemap using no *ACL* role (should filter out /community/account): .. code-block:: php :linenos: echo $this->navigation() ->sitemap() ->setFormatOutput(true) ->setRole(); .. code-block:: xml :linenos: http://www.example.com/ http://www.example.com/products http://www.example.com/products/server http://www.example.com/products/server/faq http://www.example.com/products/server/editions http://www.example.com/products/server/requirements http://www.example.com/products/studio http://www.example.com/products/studio/customers http://www.example.com/products/studio/support http://www.example.com/company/about http://www.example.com/company/about/investors http://www.example.com/company/news http://www.example.com/company/news/press http://www.example.com/archive http://www.example.com/community http://forums.example.com/ Render the sitemap using a maximum depth of 1. .. code-block:: php :linenos: echo $this->navigation() ->sitemap() ->setFormatOutput(true) ->setMaxDepth(1); .. code-block:: xml :linenos: http://www.example.com/ http://www.example.com/products http://www.example.com/products/server http://www.example.com/products/studio http://www.example.com/company/about http://www.example.com/company/about/investors http://www.example.com/company/news http://www.example.com/community http://www.example.com/community/account http://forums.example.com/ .. note:: **UTF-8 encoding used by default** By default, Zend Framework uses *UTF-8* as its default encoding, and, specific to this case, ``Zend\View`` does as well. Character encoding can be set differently on the view object itself using the ``setEncoding()`` method (or the the ``encoding`` instantiation parameter). However, since ``Zend\View\Interface`` does not define accessors for encoding, it's possible that if you are using a custom view implementation with the Dojo view helper, you will not have a ``getEncoding()`` method, which is what the view helper uses internally for determining the character set in which to encode. If you do not want to utilize *UTF-8* in such a situation, you will need to implement a ``getEncoding()`` method in your custom view implementation. .. _zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.navigation: Navigation Helper ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Navigation helper is a proxy helper that relays calls to other navigational helpers. It can be considered an entry point to all navigation-related view tasks. The aforementioned navigational helpers are in the namespace ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation``, and would thus require the path *Zend/View/Helper/Navigation* to be added as a helper path to the view. With the proxy helper residing in the ``Zend\View\Helper`` namespace, it will always be available, without the need to add any helper paths to the view. The Navigation helper finds other helpers that implement the ``Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\Helper`` interface, which means custom view helpers can also be proxied. This would, however, require that the custom helper path is added to the view. When proxying to other helpers, the Navigation helper can inject its container, *ACL*/role, and translator. This means that you won't have to explicitly set all three in all navigational helpers, nor resort to injecting by means of static methods. - ``findHelper()`` finds the given helper, verifies that it is a navigational helper, and injects container, *ACL*/role and translator. - *{get|set}InjectContainer()* gets/sets a flag indicating whether the container should be injected to proxied helpers. Default is ``TRUE``. - *{get|set}InjectAcl()* gets/sets a flag indicating whether the *ACL*/role should be injected to proxied helpers. Default is ``TRUE``. - *{get|set}InjectTranslator()* gets/sets a flag indicating whether the translator should be injected to proxied helpers. Default is ``TRUE``. - *{get|set}DefaultProxy()* gets/sets the default proxy. Default is *'menu'*. - ``render()`` proxies to the render method of the default proxy. .. _`Sitemaps XML format`: http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.php .. _`Breadcrumbs Pattern - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library`: http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/pattern.php?pattern=breadcrumbs .. _`Document relationships: the LINK element (HTML4 W3C Rec.)`: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/links.html#h-12.3 .. _`Link types (HTML4 W3C Rec.)`: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/types.html#h-6.12 .. _`bitwise and (&) operation`: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.bitwise.php .. _`Sitemaps on Wikpedia`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitemaps .. _`Sitemap XSD Schema`: http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd .. _`PHP: DOMDocument - Manual`: http://php.net/domdocument