.. _zend.mvc.services: Default Services ================ The default and recommended way to write Zend Framework applications uses a set of services defined in the ``Zend\Mvc\Service`` namespace. This chapter details what each of those services are, the classes they represent, and the configuration options available. .. _zend.mvc.services.intro: Theory of Operation ------------------- To allow easy configuration of all the different parts of the `MVC` system, a somewhat complex set of services and their factories has been created. We'll try to give a simplified explanation of the process. When a ``Zend\Mvc\Application`` is created, a ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager`` object is created and configured via ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ServiceManagerConfig``. The ``ServiceManagerConfig`` gets the configuration from ``application.config.php`` (or some other `application` configuration you passed to the ``Application`` when creating it). From all the service and factories provided in the ``Zend\Mvc\Service`` namespace, ``ServiceManagerConfig`` is responsible of configuring only three: ``SharedEventManager``, ``EventManager``, and ``ModuleManager``. After this, the ``Application`` calls for the ``ModuleManager``. At this point, the ``ModuleManager`` further configures the ``ServiceManager`` with services and factories provided in ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ServiceLocator``. This approach allows to keep the main application configuration as simple as possible, and to give the developer the power to configure different parts of the `MVC` system from within the modules, overriding any default configuration in these `MVC` services. .. _zend.mvc.services.service-manager-configuration: ServiceManager -------------- This is the one service class referenced directly in the application bootstrapping. It provides the following: - **Invokable services** - ``DispatchListener``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\DispatchListener``. - ``RouteListener``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\RouteListener``. - **Factories** - ``Application``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ApplicationFactory``. - ``Config``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ConfigFactory``. Internally, this pulls the ``ModuleManager`` service, and calls its ``loadModules()`` method, and retrieves the merged configuration from the module event. As such, this service contains the entire, merged application configuration. - ``ControllerLoader``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ControllerLoaderFactory``. This scoped container will be populated by the ``ServiceListener``. Additionally, the scoped container is configured to use the ``Di`` service as an abstract service factory -- effectively allowing you to fall back to DI in order to retrieve your controllers. If you want to use ``Zend\Di`` to retrieve your controllers, you must white-list them in your DI configuration under the ``allowed_controllers`` key (otherwise, they will just be ignored). If the controller implements the ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface`` interface, an instance of the ``ServiceManager`` will be injected into it. If the controller implements the ``Zend\EventManager\EventManagerAwareInterface`` interface, an instance of the ``EventManager`` will be injected into it. Finally, an initializer will inject it with the ``ControllerPluginManager`` service, as long as the ``setPluginManager`` is implemented. - ``ControllerPluginManager``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ControllerPluginManagerFactory``. This instantiates the ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginManager`` instance, passing it the service manager instance. It also uses the ``Di`` service as an abstract service factory -- effectively allowing you to fall back to DI in order to retrieve your controller plugins. It registers a set of default controller plugins, and contains an initializer for injecting plugins with the current controller. - ``DependencyInjector``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\DiFactory``. This pulls the ``Config`` service, and looks for a "di" key; if found, that value is used to configure a new ``Zend\Di\Di`` instance. Additionally, the ``Di`` instance is used to seed a ``Zend\ServiceManager\Di\DiAbstractServiceFactory`` instance which is then attached to the service manager as an abstract factory -- effectively enabling DI as a fallback for providing services. - ``EventManager``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\EventManagerFactory``. This factory composes a static reference to a ``SharedEventManager``, which is injected in a new ``EventManager`` instance. This service is not shared by default, allowing the ability to have an ``EventManager`` per service, with a shared ``SharedEventManager`` injected in each. - ``ModuleManager``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ModuleManagerFactory``. This is perhaps the most complex factory in the MVC stack. It expects that an ``ApplicationConfig`` service has been injected, with keys for ``module_listener_options`` and ``modules``; see the quick start for samples. It instantiates an instance of ``Zend\ModuleManager\Listener\DefaultListenerAggregate``, using the "module_listener_options" retrieved. Checks if a service with the name ``ServiceListener`` exists, otherwise falls back to the ``ServiceListenerFactory``, and instantiates it. A bunch of service listerns will be added to the ``ServiceListener``, like listeners for the ``getServiceConfig``, ``getControllerConfig``, ``getControllerPluginConfig``, ``getViewHelperConfig`` module methods. Next, it retrieves the ``EventManager`` service, and attaches the above listeners. It instantiates a ``Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent`` instance, setting the "ServiceManager" parameter to the service manager object. Finally, it instantiates a ``Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManager`` instance, and injects the ``EventManager`` and ``ModuleEvent``. - ``ServiceListenerFactory``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ServiceListenerFactory``. The factory is used to instantiate the ``ServiceListener``, while allowing easy extending. It checks if a service with the name ``ServiceListenerInterface`` exists, which must implement ``Zend\ModuleManager\Listener\ServiceListenerInterface``, before instantiating the default ``ServiceListener``. In addition to this, it retrieves the ``ApplicationConfig`` and looks for the ``service_listener_options`` key. This allows you to register own listerns for module methods and configuration keys to create an own service manager; see the application configuration options for samples. - ``Request``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\RequestFactory``. The factory is used to create and return a request instance, according to the current environment. If the current environment is ``cli``, it will create a ``Zend\Console\Request``, or a ``Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request`` if the current environment is `HTTP`. - ``Response``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ResponseFactory``. The factory is used to create and return a response instance, according to the current environment. If the current environment is ``cli``, it will create a ``Zend\Console\Response``, or a ``Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response`` if the current environment is `HTTP`. - ``Router``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\RouterFactory``. This grabs the ``Config`` service, and pulls from the ``router`` key, passing it to ``Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\TreeRouteStack::factory`` in order to get a configured router instance. - ``ViewManager``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewManagerFactory``. The factory is used to create and return a view manager, according to the current environment. If the current environment is ``cli``, it will create a ``Zend\Mvc\View\Console\ViewManager``, or a ``Zend\Mvc\View\Http\ViewManager`` if the current environment is `HTTP`. - ``ViewResolver``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewResolverFactory``, which creates and returns the aggregate view resolver. It also attaches the ``ViewTemplateMapResolver`` and ``ViewTemplatePathStack`` services to it. - ``ViewTemplateMapResolver``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewTemplateMapResolverFactory`` which creates, configures and returns the ``Zend\View\Resolver\TemplateMapResolver``. - ``ViewTemplatePathStack``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewTemplatePathStackFactory`` which creates, configures and returns the ``Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack``. - ``ViewHelperManager``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewHelperManagerFactory``, which creates, configures and returns the view helper manager. - ``ViewFeedRenderer``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewFeedRendererFactory``, which simply returns a ``Zend\View\Renderer\FeedRenderer`` instance. - ``ViewFeedStrategy``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewFeedStrategyFactory``. This instantiates a ``Zend\View\Strategy\FeedStrategy`` instance with the ``ViewFeedRenderer`` service. - ``ViewJsonRenderer``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewJsonRendererFactory``, which simply returns a ``Zend\View\Renderer\JsonRenderer`` instance. - ``ViewJsonStrategy``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewJsonStrategyFactory``. This instantiates a ``Zend\View\Strategy\JsonStrategy`` instance with the ``ViewJsonRenderer`` service. - **Aliases** - ``Config``, mapping to the ``Config`` service. - ``Di``, mapping to the ``DependencyInjector`` service. - ``Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface``, mapping to the ``EventManager`` service. This is mainly to ensure that when falling through to DI, classes are still injected via the ``ServiceManager``. - ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginBroker``, mapping to the ``ControllerPluginBroker`` service. This is mainly to ensure that when falling through to DI, classes are still injected via the ``ServiceManager``. - ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginLoader``, mapping to the ``ControllerPluginLoader`` service. This is mainly to ensure that when falling through to DI, classes are still injected via the ``ServiceManager``. Additionally, two initializers are registered. Initializers are run on created instances, and may be used to further configure them. The two initializers the ``ServiceManagerConfig`` class creates and registers do the following: - For objects that implement ``Zend\EventManager\EventManagerAwareInterface``, the ``EventManager`` service will be retrieved and injected. This service is **not** shared, though each instance it creates is injected with a shared instance of ``SharedEventManager``. - For objects that implement ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface``, the ``ServiceManager`` will inject itself into the object. Finally, the ``ServiceManager`` registers itself as the ``ServiceManager`` service, and aliases itself to the class names ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManagerInterface`` and ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager``. .. _zend.mvc.services.view-manager: ViewManager ----------- The View layer within ``Zend\Mvc`` consists of a large number of collaborators and event listeners. As such, ``Zend\Mvc\View\ViewManager`` was created to handle creation of the various objects, as well as wiring them together and establishing event listeners. The ``ViewManager`` itself is an event listener on the ``bootstrap`` event. It retrieves the ``ServiceManager`` from the ``Application`` object, as well as its composed ``EventManager``. Configuration for all members of the ``ViewManager`` fall under the ``view_manager`` configuration key, and expect values as noted below. The following services are created and managed by the ``ViewManager``: - ``ViewHelperManager``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\HelperPluginManager``. It is seeded with the ``ServiceManager``. Created via the ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewHelperManagerFactory``. - The ``Router`` service is retrieved, and injected into the ``Url`` helper. - If the ``base_path`` key is present, it is used to inject the ``BasePath`` view helper; otherwise, the ``Request`` service is retrieved, and the value of its ``getBasePath()`` method is used. - If the ``doctype`` key is present, it will be used to set the value of the ``Doctype`` view helper. - ``ViewTemplateMapResolver``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Resolver\TemplateMapResolver``. If a ``template_map`` key is present, it will be used to seed the template map. - ``ViewTemplatePathStack``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack``. If a ``template_path_stack`` key is prsent, it will be used to seed the stack. - ``ViewResolver``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Resolver\AggregateResolver`` and ``Zend\View\Resolver\ResolverInterface``. It is seeded with the ``ViewTemplateMapResolver`` and ``ViewTemplatePathStack`` services as resolvers. - ``ViewRenderer``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer`` and ``Zend\View\Renderer\RendererInterface``. It is seeded with the ``ViewResolver`` and ``ViewHelperBroker`` services. Additionally, the ``ViewModel`` helper gets seeded with the ``ViewModel`` as its root (layout) model. - ``ViewPhpRendererStrategy``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Strategy\PhpRendererStrategy``. It gets seeded with the ``ViewRenderer`` service. - ``View``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\View``. It gets seeded with the ``EventManager`` service, and attaches the ``ViewPhpRendererStrategy`` as an aggregate listener. - ``DefaultRenderingStrategy``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\Mvc\View\DefaultRenderingStrategy``. If the ``layout`` key is present, it is used to seed the strategy's layout template. It is seeded with the ``View`` service. - ``ExceptionStrategy``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\Mvc\View\ExceptionStrategy``. If the ``display_exceptions`` or ``exception_template`` keys are present, they are used to configure the strategy. - ``RouteNotFoundStrategy``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\Mvc\View\RouteNotFoundStrategy`` and ``404Stategy``. If the ``display_not_found_reason`` or ``not_found_template`` keys are present, they are used to configure the strategy. - ``ViewModel``. In this case, no service is registered; the ``ViewModel`` is simply retrieved from the ``MvcEvent`` and injected with the layout template name. The ``ViewManager`` also creates several other listeners, but does not expose them as services; these include ``Zend\Mvc\View\CreateViewModelListener``, ``Zend\Mvc\View\InjectTemplateListener``, and ``Zend\Mvc\View\InjectViewModelListener``. These, along with ``RouteNotFoundStrategy``, ``ExceptionStrategy``, and ``DefaultRenderingStrategy`` are attached as listeners either to the application ``EventManager`` instance or the ``SharedEventManager`` instance. Finally, if you have a ``strategies`` key in your configuration, the ``ViewManager`` will loop over these and attach them in order to the ``View`` service as listeners, at a priority of 100 (allowing them to execute before the ``DefaultRenderingStrategy``). .. _zend.mvc.services.app-config: Application Configuration Options --------------------------------- The following options may be used to provide initial configuration for the ``ServiceManager``, ``ModuleManager``, and ``Application`` instances, allowing them to then find and aggregate the configuration used for the ``Config`` service, which is intended for configuring all other objects in the system. These configuration directives go to the ``config/application.config.php`` file. .. code-block:: php :linenos: array( ), // These are various options for the listeners attached to the ModuleManager 'module_listener_options' => array( // This should be an array of paths in which modules reside. // If a string key is provided, the listener will consider that a module // namespace, the value of that key the specific path to that module's // Module class. 'module_paths' => array( ), // An array of paths from which to glob configuration files after // modules are loaded. These effectively overide configuration // provided by modules themselves. Paths may use GLOB_BRACE notation. 'config_glob_paths' => array( ), // Whether or not to enable a configuration cache. // If enabled, the merged configuration will be cached and used in // subsequent requests. 'config_cache_enabled' => $booleanValue, // The key used to create the configuration cache file name. 'config_cache_key' => $stringKey, // Whether or not to enable a module class map cache. // If enabled, creates a module class map cache which will be used // by in future requests, to reduce the autoloading process. 'module_map_cache_enabled' => $booleanValue, // The key used to create the class map cache file name. 'module_map_cache_key' => $stringKey, // The path in which to cache merged configuration. 'cache_dir' => $stringPath, ), // Used to create an own service manager. May contain one or more child arrays. 'service_listener_options' => array( array( 'service_manager' => $stringServiceManagerName, 'config_key' => $stringConfigKey, 'interface' => $stringOptionalInterface, 'method' => $stringRequiredMethodName, ), ) // Initial configuration with which to seed the ServiceManager. // Should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\Config. 'service_manager' => array( ), ); For an example, see the `ZendSkeletonApplication configuration file`_. .. _zend.mvc.services.config: Default Configuration Options ----------------------------- The following options are available when using the default services configured by the ``ServiceManagerConfig`` and ``ViewManager``. These configuration directives can go to the ``config/autoload/{,*.}{global,local}.php`` files, or in the ``module//config/module.config.php`` configuration files. The merging of these configuration files is done by the ``ModuleManager``. It first merges each module's ``module.config.php`` file, and then the files in ``config/autoload`` (first the ``*.global.php`` and then the ``*.local.php`` files). The order of the merge is relevant so you can override a module's configuration with your application configuration. If you have both a ``config/autoload/my.global.config.php`` and ``config/autoload/my.local.config.php``, the local configuration file overrides the global configuration. .. warning:: Local configuration files are intended to keep sensitive information, such as database credentials, and as such, it is highly recommended to keep these local configuration files out of your VCS. The ``ZendSkeletonApplication``\'s ``config/autoload/.gitignore`` file ignores ``*.local.php`` files by default. .. code-block:: php :linenos: array( // Map of controller "name" to class // This should be used if you do not need to inject any dependencies // in your controller 'invokables' => array( ), // Map of controller "name" to factory for creating controller instance // You may provide either the class name of a factory, or a PHP callback. 'factories' => array( ), ), // The following are used to configure controller plugin loader // Should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\Config. 'controller_plugins' => array( ), // The following are used to configure view helper manager // Should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\Config. 'view_helpers' => array( ), // The following is used to configure a Zend\Di\Di instance. // The array should be in a format that Zend\Di\Config can understand. 'di' => array( ), // Configuration for the Router service // Can contain any router configuration, but typically will always define // the routes for the application. See the router documentation for details // on route configuration. 'router' => array( 'routes' => array( ), ), // ViewManager configuration 'view_manager' => array( // Base URL path to the application 'base_path' => $stringBasePath, // Doctype with which to seed the Doctype helper 'doctype' => $doctypeHelperConstantString, // e.g. HTML5, XHTML1 // TemplateMapResolver configuration // template/path pairs 'template_map' => array( ), // TemplatePathStack configuration // module/view script path pairs 'template_path_stack' => array( ), // Layout template name 'layout' => $layoutTemplateName, // e.g., 'layout/layout' // ExceptionStrategy configuration 'display_exceptions' => $bool, // display exceptions in template 'exception_template' => $stringTemplateName, // e.g. 'error' // RouteNotFoundStrategy configuration 'display_not_found_reason' => $bool, // display 404 reason in template 'not_found_template' => $stringTemplateName, // e.g. '404' // Additional strategies to attach // These should be class names or service names of View strategy classes // that act as ListenerAggregates. They will be attached at priority 100, // in the order registered. 'strategies' => array( 'ViewJsonStrategy', // register JSON renderer strategy 'ViewFeedStrategy', // register Feed renderer strategy ), ), ); For an example, see the `Application module configuration file`_ in the `ZendSkeletonApplication`. .. _`ZendSkeletonApplication configuration file`: https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication/blob/master/config/application.config.php .. _`Application module configuration file`: https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication/blob/master/module/Application/config/module.config.php