.. _zend.filter.filter_chains: Filter Chains ============= Often multiple filters should be applied to some value in a particular order. For example, a login form accepts a username that should be only lowercase, alphabetic characters. ``Zend\Filter\FilterChain`` provides a simple method by which filters may be chained together. The following code illustrates how to chain together two filters for the submitted username: .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Create a filter chain and add filters to the chain $filterChain = new Zend\Filter\FilterChain(); $filterChain->attach(new Zend\Filter\Alpha()) ->attach(new Zend\Filter\StringToLower()); // Filter the username $username = $filterChain->filter($_POST['username']); Filters are run in the order they were added to ``Zend\Filter\FilterChain``. In the above example, the username is first removed of any non-alphabetic characters, and then any uppercase characters are converted to lowercase. Any object that implements ``Zend\Filter\FilterInterface`` may be used in a filter chain. .. _zend.filter.filter_chains.order: Setting filter chain order --------------------------- For each filter added to the ``FilterChain`` you can set a priority to define the chain order. The default value is ``1000``. In the following example, any uppercase characters are converted to lowercase before any non-alphabetic characters are removed. .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Create a filter chain and add filters to the chain $filterChain = new Zend\Filter\FilterChain(); $filterChain->attach(new Zend\Filter\Alpha()) ->attach(new Zend\Filter\StringToLower(), 500); .. _zend.filter.filter_chains.plugin_manager: Using the plugin manager ------------------------ To every ``FilterChain`` object an instance of the ``FilterPluginManager`` is attached. Every filter that is used in a ``FilterChain`` must be know by this ``FilterPluginManager``. To add a filter that is known by the ``FilterPluginManager`` you can use the ``attachByName()`` method. The first parameter is the name of the filter within the ``FilterPluginManager``. The second paramater takes any options for creating the filter instance. The third parameter is the priority. .. code-block:: php :linenos: // Create a filter chain and add filters to the chain $filterChain = new Zend\Filter\FilterChain(); $filterChain->attachByName('alpha') ->attachByName('stringtolower', array('encoding' => 'utf-8'), 500); The following example shows how to add a custom filter to the ``FilterPluginManager`` and the ``FilterChain``. .. code-block:: php :linenos: $filterChain = new Zend\Filter\FilterChain(); $filterChain->getPluginManager()->setInvokableClass( 'myNewFilter', 'MyCustom\Filter\MyNewFilter' ); $filterChain->attach(new Zend\Filter\Alpha()) ->attach(new MyCustom\Filter\MyNewFilter()); You can also add your own ``FilterPluginManager`` implementation. .. code-block:: php :linenos: $filterChain = new Zend\Filter\FilterChain(); $filterChain->setPluginManager(new MyFilterPluginManager()); $filterChain->attach(new Zend\Filter\Alpha()) ->attach(new MyCustom\Filter\MyNewFilter());