
  • New to Zend Framework? Download the latest stable release. Available in .zip and .tar.gz formats.
  • Brave, cutting edge? Download Zend Framework’s Git repository using a Git client. Zend Framework is open source software, and the Git repository used for its development is publicly available on GitHub. Consider using Git to get Zend Framework if you want to contribute back to the framework, or need to upgrade your framework version more often than releases occur.

Once you have a copy of Zend Framework available, your application needs to be able to access the framework classes found in the library folder. Though there are several ways to achieve this, your PHP include_path needs to contain the path to Zend Framework’s library.

Rob Allen has kindly provided the community with an introduction to :user-guide:`Getting Started with Zend Framework 2 <overview>`. Other Zend Framework community members are actively working on expanding the tutorial.

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Getting Started with Zend Framework 2

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