I18n Filters

Zend Framework comes with a set of filters related to Internationalization.

Alnum Filter

The Alnum filter can be used to return only alphabetic characters and digits in the unicode “letter” and “number” categories, respectively. All other characters are supressed.

Supported options for Alnum Filter

The following options are supported for Alnum:

Alnum([ boolean $allowWhiteSpace [, string $locale ]])

  • $allowWhiteSpace: If set to true then whitespace characters are allowed. Otherwise they are suppressed. Default is “false” (whitespace is not allowed).

    Methods for getting/setting the allowWhiteSpace option are also available: getAllowWhiteSpace() and setAllowWhiteSpace()

  • $locale: The locale string used in identifying the characters to filter (locale name, e.g. en_US). If unset, it will use the default locale (Locale::getDefault()).

    Methods for getting/setting the locale are also available: getLocale() and setLocale()

Alnum Filter Usage

// Default settings, deny whitespace
$filter = \Zend\I18n\Filter\Alnum();
echo $filter->filter("This is (my) content: 123");
// Returns "Thisismycontent123"

// First param in constructor is $allowWhiteSpace
$filter = \Zend\I18n\Filter\Alnum(true);
echo $filter->filter("This is (my) content: 123");
// Returns "This is my content 123"


Note: Alnum works on almost all languages, except: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Within these languages the english alphabet is used instead of the characters from these languages. The language itself is detected using the Locale.

Alpha Filter

The Alpha filter can be used to return only alphabetic characters in the unicode “letter” category. All other characters are supressed.

Supported options for Alpha Filter

The following options are supported for Alpha:

Alpha([ boolean $allowWhiteSpace [, string $locale ]])

  • $allowWhiteSpace: If set to true then whitespace characters are allowed. Otherwise they are suppressed. Default is “false” (whitespace is not allowed).

    Methods for getting/setting the allowWhiteSpace option are also available: getAllowWhiteSpace() and setAllowWhiteSpace()

  • $locale: The locale string used in identifying the characters to filter (locale name, e.g. en_US). If unset, it will use the default locale (Locale::getDefault()).

    Methods for getting/setting the locale are also available: getLocale() and setLocale()

Alpha Filter Usage

// Default settings, deny whitespace
$filter = \Zend\I18n\Filter\Alpha();
echo $filter->filter("This is (my) content: 123");
// Returns "Thisismycontent"

// Allow whitespace
$filter = \Zend\I18n\Filter\Alpha(true);
echo $filter->filter("This is (my) content: 123");
// Returns "This is my content "


Note: Alpha works on almost all languages, except: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Within these languages the english alphabet is used instead of the characters from these languages. The language itself is detected using the Locale.

NumberFormat Filter

The NumberFormat filter can be used to return locale-specific number and percentage strings. It acts as a wrapper for the NumberFormatter class within the Internationalization extension (Intl).

Supported options for NumberFormat Filter

The following options are supported for NumberFormat:

NumberFormat([ string $locale [, int $style [, int $type ]]])

  • $locale: (Optional) Locale in which the number would be formatted (locale name, e.g. en_US). If unset, it will use the default locale (Locale::getDefault())

    Methods for getting/setting the locale are also available: getLocale() and setLocale()

  • $style: (Optional) Style of the formatting, one of the format style constants. If unset, it will use NumberFormatter::DEFAULT_STYLE as the default style.

    Methods for getting/setting the format style are also available: getStyle() and setStyle()

  • $type: (Optional) The formatting type to use. If unset, it will use NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE as the default type.

    Methods for getting/setting the format type are also available: getType() and setType()

NumberFormat Filter Usage

$filter = \Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberFormat("de_DE");
echo $filter->filter(1234567.8912346);
// Returns "1.234.567,891"

$filter = \Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberFormat("en_US", NumberFormatter::PERCENT);
echo $filter->filter(0.80);
// Returns "80%"

$filter = \Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberFormat("fr_FR", NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC);
echo $filter->filter(0.00123456789);
// Returns "1,23456789E-3"
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