.. _zend.serializer: Introduction to Zend\\Serializer ================================ The ``Zend\Serializer`` component provides an adapter based interface to simply generate storable representation of PHP_ types by different facilities, and recover. For more information what a serializer is read the wikipedia page of Serialization_. .. _zend.serializer.quick-start: Quick Start ----------- Serializing adapters can either be created from the provided ``Zend\Serializer\Serializer::factory`` method, or by simply instantiating one of the ``Zend\Serializer\Adapter\*`` classes. .. code-block:: php :linenos: use Zend\Serializer\Serializer; // Via factory: $serializer = Zend\Serializer\Serializer::factory('PhpSerialize'); // Alternately: $serializer = new Zend\Serializer\Adapter\PhpSerialize(); // Now $serializer is an instance of Zend\Serializer\Adapter\AdapterInterface, // specifically Zend\Serializer\Adapter\PhpSerialize try { $serialized = $serializer->serialize($data); // now $serialized is a string $unserialized = $serializer->unserialize($serialized); // now $data == $unserialized } catch (Zend\Serializer\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { echo $e; } The method ``serialize()`` generates a storable string. To regenerate this serialized data you can simply call the method ``unserialize()``. Any time an error is encountered serializing or unserializing, ``Zend\Serializer`` will throw a ``Zend\Serializer\Exception\ExceptionInterface``. Because of an application often uses internally only one serializer it is possible to define and use a default serializer. That serializer will be used by default by other components like ``Zend\Cache\Storage\Plugin\Serializer``. To use the default serializer you can simply use the static serialization methods of the basic ``Zend\Serializer\Serializer``: .. code-block:: php :linenos: use Zend\Serializer\Serializer; try { $serialized = Serializer::serialize($data); // now $serialized is a string $unserialized = Serializer::unserialize($serialized); // now $data == $unserialized } catch (Zend\Serializer\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { echo $e; } .. _zend.serializer.options: Basic configuration Options --------------------------- To configure a serializer adapter, you can optionally use an instance of ``Zend\Serializer\Adapter\AdapterOptions``, an instance of one of the adapter specific options class, an ``array`` or an instance of ``Traversable``. The adapter will convert it into the adapter specific options class instance (if present) or into the basic ``Zend\Serializer\Adapter\AdapterOptions`` class instance. Options can be passed as second argument to the provided ``Zend\Serializer\Serializer::factory`` method, using the method ``setOptions`` or set as constructor argument. .. _zend.serializer.serializer.methods: Available Methods ----------------- Each serializer implements the interface ``Zend\Serializer\Adapter\AdapterInterface``. This interface defines the following methods: .. function:: serialize(mixed $value) :noindex: Generates a storable representation of a value. :rtype: string .. function:: unserialize(string $value) :noindex: Creates a PHP value from a stored representation. :rtype: mixed The basic class ``Zend\Serializer\Serializer`` will be used to instantiate the adapters, to configure the factory and to handle static serializing. It defines the following **static** methods: .. function:: factory(string|Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterInterface $adapterName, Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterOptions|array|Traversable|null $adapterOptions = null) :noindex: Create a serializer adapter instance. :rtype: Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterInterface .. function:: setAdapterPluginManager(Zend\\Serializer\\AdapterPluginManager $adapters) :noindex: Change the adapter plugin manager. :rtype: void .. function:: getAdapterPluginManager() :noindex: Get the adapter plugin manager. :rtype: Zend\\Serializer\\AdapterPluginManager .. function:: resetAdapterPluginManager() :noindex: Resets the internal adapter plugin manager. :rtype: void .. function:: setDefaultAdapter(string|Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterInterface $adapter, Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterOptions|array|Traversable|null $adapterOptions = null) :noindex: Change the default adapter. :rtype: void .. function:: getDefaultAdapter() :noindex: Get the default adapter. :rtype: Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterInterface .. function:: serialize(mixed $value, string|Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterInterface|null $adapter = null, Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterOptions|array|Traversable|null $adapterOptions = null) :noindex: Generates a storable representation of a value using the default adapter. Optionally different adapter could be provided as second argument. :rtype: string .. function:: unserialize(string $value, string|Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterInterface|null $adapter = null, Zend\\Serializer\\Adapter\\AdapterOptions|array|Traversable|null $adapterOptions = null) :noindex: Creates a PHP value from a stored representation using the default adapter. Optionally different adapter could be provided as second argument. :rtype: mixed .. _PHP: http://php.net .. _Serialization: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serialization