.. _zend.navigation.introduction: Introduction to Zend\\Navigation ================================ ``Zend\Navigation`` is a component for managing trees of pointers to web pages. Simply put: It can be used for creating menus, breadcrumbs, links, and sitemaps, or serve as a model for other navigation related purposes. .. _zend.navigation.introduction.concepts: Pages and Containers -------------------- There are two main concepts in ``Zend\Navigation``: .. _zend.navigation.introduction.pages: Pages ^^^^^ A page (``Zend\Navigation\AbstractPage``) in ``Zend\Navigation`` – in its most basic form – is an object that holds a pointer to a web page. In addition to the pointer itself, the page object contains a number of other properties that are typically relevant for navigation, such as ``label``, ``title``, etc. Read more about pages in the :ref:`pages ` section. .. _zend.navigation.introduction.containers: Containers ^^^^^^^^^^ A navigation container (``Zend\Navigation\AbstractContainer``) is a container class for pages. It has methods for adding, retrieving, deleting and iterating pages. It implements the `SPL`_ interfaces ``RecursiveIterator`` and ``Countable``, and can thus be iterated with SPL iterators such as ``RecursiveIteratorIterator``. Read more about containers in the :ref:`containers ` section. .. note:: ``Zend\Navigation\AbstractPage`` extends ``Zend\Navigation\AbstractContainer``, which means that a page can have sub pages. .. _zend.navigation.introduction.view.helpers: View Helpers ------------ Separation of data (model) and rendering (view) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Classes in the ``Zend\Navigation`` namespace do not deal with rendering of navigational elements. Rendering is done with navigational view helpers. However, pages contain information that is used by view helpers when rendering, such as; ``label``, ``class`` (*CSS*), ``title``, ``lastmod`` and ``priority`` properties for sitemaps, etc. Read more about rendering navigational elements in the :ref:`view helpers ` section. .. _`SPL`: http://php.net/spl