.. _zend.loader.module-autoloader: The ModuleAutoloader ==================== .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.intro: Overview -------- ``Zend\Loader\ModuleAutoloader`` is a special implementation of the :ref:`Zend\\Loader\\SplAutoloader ` interface, used by :ref:`Zend\\ModuleManager ` to autoload ``Module`` classes from different sources. Apart from being able to autoload modules from directories, the ``ModuleAutoloader`` can also autoload modules packaged as `Phar archives`_, which allows for packaging your modules in a single file for easier distribution. Supported archive formats are: ``.phar``, ``.phar.gz``, ``.phar.bz2``, ``.phar.tar``, ``.phar.tar.gz``, ``.phar.tar.bz2``, ``.phar.zip``, ``.tar``, ``tar.gz``, ``.tar.bz2`` and ``.zip``. It is, however, recommended to avoid compressing your packages (be it either `gz`, `bz2` or `zip` compression), as it introduces additional CPU overhead to every request. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.quickstart: Quickstart ---------- As the ``ModuleAutoloader`` is meant to be used with the ``ModuleManager``, for examples of it's usage and how to configure it, please see the :ref:`Module Autoloader Usage ` section of the ``ModuleManager`` documentation. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.options: Configuration Options --------------------- The ``ModuleAutoloader`` defines the following options. .. rubric:: ModuleAutoloader Options **$options** The ``ModuleAutoloader`` expects an array of options, where each option is either a path to scan for modules, or a key/value pair of explicit module paths. In the case of explicit module paths, the key is the module's name, and the value is the path to that module. .. code-block:: php :linenos: $options = array( '/path/to/modules', '/path/to/other/modules', 'MyModule' => '/explicit/path/mymodule-v1.2' ); .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.methods: Available Methods ----------------- .. _zend.loader.class-map-autoloader.methods.constructor: \__construct Initialize and configure the object ``__construct($options = null)`` **Constructor** Used during instantiation of the object. Optionally, pass options, which may be either an array or ``Traversable`` object; this argument will be passed to :ref:`setOptions() `. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.methods.set-options: setOptions Configure the module autoloader ``setOptions($options)`` **setOptions()** Configures the state of the autoloader, registering paths to modules. Expects an array or ``Traversable`` object; the argument will be passed to :ref:`registerPaths() `. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.methods.autoload: autoload Attempt to load a ``Module`` class. ``autoload($class)`` **autoload()** Attempts to load the specified ``Module`` class. Returns a boolean ``false`` on failure, or a string indicating the class loaded on success. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.methods.register: register Register with spl_autoload. ``register()`` **register()** Registers the ``autoload()`` method of the current instance with ``spl_autoload_register()``. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.methods.unregister: unregister Unregister with spl_autoload. ``unregister()`` **unregister()** Unregisters the ``autoload()`` method of the current instance with ``spl_autoload_unregister()``. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.methods.register-paths: registerPaths Register multiple paths with the autoloader. ``registerPaths($paths)`` **registerPaths()** Register a paths to modules. Expects an array or ``Traversable`` object. For an example array, please see the :ref:`Configuration options ` section. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.methods.register-path: registerPath Register a single path with the autoloader. ``registerPath($path, $moduleName=false)`` **registerPath()** Register a single path with the autoloader. The first parameter, ``$path``, is expected to be a string. The second parameter, ``$moduleName``, is expected to be a module name, which allows for registering an explicit path to that module. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.methods.getPaths: getPaths Get all paths registered with the autoloader. ``getPaths()`` **getPaths()** Returns an array of all the paths registered with the current instance of the autoloader. .. _zend.loader.module-autoloader.examples: Examples -------- Please review the :ref:`examples in the quick start ` for usage. .. _`Phar archives`: http://php.net/phar