.. _zend.filter.writing_filters: Writing Filters =============== ``Zend\Filter`` supplies a set of commonly needed filters, but developers will often need to write custom filters for their particular use cases. The task of writing a custom filter is facilitated by implementing ``Zend\Filter\FilterInterface``. ``Zend\Filter\FilterInterface`` defines a single method, ``filter()``, that may be implemented by user classes. The following example demonstrates how to write a custom filter: .. code-block:: php :linenos: namespace Application\Filter; use Zend\Filter\FilterInterface; class MyFilter implements FilterInterface { public function filter($value) { // perform some transformation upon $value to arrive on $valueFiltered return $valueFiltered; } } To attach an instance of the filter defined above to a filter chain: .. code-block:: php :linenos: $filterChain = new Zend\Filter\FilterChain(); $filterChain->attach(new Application\Filter\MyFilter());