.. _zend.navigation.view.helper.breadcrumbs: View Helper - Breadcrumbs ========================= Breadcrumbs are used for indicating where in a sitemap a user is currently browsing, and are typically rendered like this: "You are here: Home > Products > FantasticProduct 1.0". The breadcrumbs helper follows the guidelines from `Breadcrumbs Pattern - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library`_, and allows simple customization (minimum/maximum depth, indentation, separator, and whether the last element should be linked), or rendering using a partial view script. The Breadcrumbs helper works like this; it finds the deepest active page in a navigation container, and renders an upwards path to the root. For *MVC* pages, the "activeness" of a page is determined by inspecting the request object, as stated in the section on :ref:`Zend\\Navigation\\Page\\Mvc `. The helper sets the *minDepth* property to 1 by default, meaning breadcrumbs will not be rendered if the deepest active page is a root page. If *maxDepth* is specified, the helper will stop rendering when at the specified depth (e.g. stop at level 2 even if the deepest active page is on level 3). Methods in the breadcrumbs helper: - *{get|set}Separator()* gets/sets separator string that is used between breadcrumbs. Default is *' > '*. - *{get|set}LinkLast()* gets/sets whether the last breadcrumb should be rendered as an anchor or not. Default is ``FALSE``. - *{get|set}Partial()* gets/sets a partial view script that should be used for rendering breadcrumbs. If a partial view script is set, the helper's ``render()`` method will use the ``renderPartial()`` method. If no partial is set, the ``renderStraight()`` method is used. The helper expects the partial to be a ``String`` or an ``Array`` with two elements. If the partial is a ``String``, it denotes the name of the partial script to use. If it is an ``Array``, the first element will be used as the name of the partial view script, and the second element is the module where the script is found. - ``renderStraight()`` is the default render method. - ``renderPartial()`` is used for rendering using a partial view script. .. _zend.navigation.view.helper.breadcrumbs.example1: .. rubric:: Rendering breadcrumbs This example shows how to render breadcrumbs with default settings. .. code-block:: php :linenos: In a view script or layout: navigation()->breadcrumbs(); ?> The two calls above take advantage of the magic __toString() method, and are equivalent to: navigation()->breadcrumbs()->render(); ?> Output: Products > Foo Server > FAQ .. _zend.navigation.view.helper.breadcrumbs.example2: .. rubric:: Specifying indentation This example shows how to render breadcrumbs with initial indentation. .. code-block:: php :linenos: Rendering with 8 spaces indentation: navigation()->breadcrumbs()->setIndent(8);?> Output: Products > Foo Server > FAQ .. _zend.navigation.view.helper.breadcrumbs.example3: .. rubric:: Customize breadcrumbs output This example shows how to customize breadcrumbs output by specifying various options. .. code-block:: php :linenos: In a view script or layout: navigation() ->breadcrumbs() ->setLinkLast(true) // link last page ->setMaxDepth(1) // stop at level 1 ->setSeparator(' ▶' . PHP_EOL); // cool separator with newline ?> Output: ProductsFoo Server ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Setting minimum depth required to render breadcrumbs: navigation()->breadcrumbs()->setMinDepth(10); echo $this->navigation()->breadcrumbs(); ?> Output: Nothing, because the deepest active page is not at level 10 or deeper. .. _zend.navigation.view.helper.breadcrumbs.example4: .. rubric:: Rendering breadcrumbs using a partial view script This example shows how to render customized breadcrumbs using a partial vew script. By calling ``setPartial()``, you can specify a partial view script that will be used when calling ``render()``. When a partial is specified, the ``renderPartial()`` method will be called. This method will find the deepest active page and pass an array of pages that leads to the active page to the partial view script. In a layout: .. code-block:: php :linenos: echo $this->navigation()->breadcrumbs() ->setPartial('my-module/partials/breadcrumbs'); Contents of *module/MyModule/view/my-module/partials/breadcrumbs.phtml*: .. code-block:: php :linenos: echo implode(', ', array_map( function ($a) { return $a->getLabel(); }, $this->pages)); Output: .. code-block:: php :linenos: Products, Foo Server, FAQ .. _`Breadcrumbs Pattern - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library`: http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/pattern.php?pattern=breadcrumbs