.. _zend.feed.findFeeds: Retrieving Feeds from Web Pages =============================== Web pages often contain **** tags that refer to feeds with content relevant to the particular page. ``Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader`` enables you to retrieve all feeds referenced by a web page with one simple method call: .. code-block:: php :linenos: $feedLinks = Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader::findFeedLinks('http://www.example.com/news.html'); Here the ``findFeedLinks()`` method returns a ``Zend\Feed\Reader\FeedSet`` object, that is in turn, a collection of other ``Zend\Feed\Reader\FeedSet`` objects, that are referenced by **** tags on the ``news.html`` web page. ``Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader`` will throw a ``Zend\Feed\Reader\Exception\RuntimeException`` upon failure, such as an *HTTP* 404 response code or a malformed feed. You can examine all feed links located by iterating across the collection: .. code-block:: php :linenos: $rssFeed = null; $feedLinks = Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader::findFeedLinks('http://www.example.com/news.html'); foreach ($feedLinks as $link) { if (stripos($link['type'], 'application/rss+xml') !== false) { $rssFeed = $link['href']; break; } Each ``Zend\Feed\Reader\FeedSet`` object will expose the rel, href, type and title properties of detected links for all *RSS*, *Atom* or *RDF* feeds. You can always select the first encountered link of each type by using a shortcut: .. code-block:: php :linenos: $rssFeed = null; $feedLinks = Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader::findFeedLinks('http://www.example.com/news.html'); $firstAtomFeed = $feedLinks->atom;