.. _zend.permissions.rbac.examples: Examples ======== The following is a list of common use-case examples for ``Zend\Permission\Rbac``. .. _zend.permissions.rbac.examples.roles: Roles ----- Extending and adding roles via instantation. .. code-block:: php :linenos: addRole($foo); var_dump($rbac->hasRole('foo')); // true Adding roles directly to RBAC with the default ``Zend\Permission\Rbac\Role``. .. code-block:: php :linenos: addRole('foo'); var_dump($rbac->hasRole('foo')); // true Handling roles with children. .. code-block:: php :linenos: addChild($bar); $rbac->addRole($foo); // 2 - Same as one, only via rbac container. $rbac->addRole('boo', 'baz'); // baz is a parent of boo $rbac->addRole('baz', array('out', 'of', 'roles')); // create several parents of baz .. _zend.permissions.rbac.examples.permissions: Permissions ----------- .. code-block:: php :linenos: addPermission('bar'); var_dump($foo->hasPermission('bar')); // true $rbac->addRole($foo); $rbac->isGranted('foo', 'bar'); // true $rbac->isGranted('foo', 'baz'); // false $rbac->getRole('foo')->addPermission('baz'); $rbac->isGranted('foo', 'baz'); // true .. _zend.permissions.rbac.examples.dynamic-assertions: Dynamic Assertions ------------------ Checking permission using ``isGranted()`` with a class implementing ``Zend\Permissions\Rbac\AssertionInterface``. .. code-block:: php :linenos: userId = $userId; } public function setArticle($article) { $this->article = $article; } public function assert(Rbac $rbac) { if (!$this->article) { return false; } return $this->userId == $article->getUserId(); } } // User is assigned the foo role with id 5 // News article belongs to userId 5 // Jazz article belongs to userId 6 $rbac = new Rbac(); $user = $mySessionObject->getUser(); $news = $articleService->getArticle(5); $jazz = $articleService->getArticle(6); $rbac->addRole($user->getRole()); $rbac->getRole($user->getRole())->addPermission('edit.article'); $assertion = new AssertUserIdMatches($user->getId()); $assertion->setArticle($news); // true always - bad! if ($rbac->isGranted($user->getRole(), 'edit.article')) { // hacks another users article } // true for user id 5, because he belongs to write group and user id matches if ($rbac->isGranted($user->getRole(), 'edit.article', $assertion)) { // edits his own article } $assertion->setArticle($jazz); // false for user id 5 if ($rbac->isGranted($user->getRole(), 'edit.article', $assertion)) { // can not edit another users article } Performing the same as above with a Closure. .. code-block:: php :linenos: getId() == $news->getUserId(); }; // true if ($rbac->isGranted($user->getRole(), 'edit.article', $assertion)) { // edits his own article }